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Annotated Bibliography: Hamlet

Fenech, Sean. “Give us the foils: fencing in Hamlet.” (2020).

The article studies the match between Hamlet and Laertes found in the last scene. This study aims to shed light on how the fencing contest in Hamlet’s last scene would have played out on stage by examining surviving fencing treatises from the period. In this essay, the author also attempts to address the disparity between rapier and dagger fencing and explain the relevance of the fencing tournament itself (Fenech, 95). The article also seeks to understand why the story of Hamlet ended with a duel match gone wrong. What is the significance of the fencing match? How does it help the reader understand the novel?

The essay helped me understand Hamlet’s character traits that Shakespeare wanted to show using the match.

Gates, Joanne E. “What Happens (And Doesn’t) In Hamlet (And Who Cares?).” (2021).

The author explains the play by critically studying various aspects of each character. The article shows the various parallels in each character and their role in complementing Hamlet. The article emphasizes understanding the story through a neutral viewpoint. Instead of taking specific details in the story to show a particular aspect, Joanne challenges the reader to understand the story and determine whether the action happened or was just an illusion implied by Shakespeare.

The article found that there are interlocking plot developments in the book (Gates, 50). The study also showed that the characters have similarities and differences in their actions and personalities.

The article was vital in my analysis as it helps understand the differences in the characters, although they had similar challenges.

Portmann, A. (2018). Shakespeare’s new contemporariness, or Hamlet in the Yugoslav Drama Theatre of the 21st century. Cahiers Élisabéthains96(1), 172-184.

The article is an investigation into how Shakespeare’s Hamlet has become a platform for discussing memory politics in Serbia throughout the new millennium. It focuses on two theatre productions and an adaptation play (Portman, 180). The author studies the specific conditions used while producing the plays and their connection to the original Hamlet play.

Through the studies of the different Hamlet productions, the article found out that the repeated staging of classical dramatic texts, with each production steeped within a specific staging tradition, provides a renewed source of inspiration for political theatre, with each production embedded inside a specific staging tradition.

The article helped my analysis as it helped my understanding of the traits by comparing the different productions. It helped in the understanding of how Shakespeare used the characters as foils for each other.

Shakespeare, William, and Burton Raffel. Hamlet (The Annotated Shakespeare). Yale University Press. 2022.

The bibliography aims at helping scholars understand and enjoy Hamlet’s play by immersing themselves in the drama. Burton helps the reader understand the vocabulary in Hamlet by providing alternative phrases and vocabulary for unfamiliar phrases. It also opens up the scholar to the various interpretation of Hamlet by encouraging diverse thinking (Shakespeare & Burton, 56). Essential historical background on the origins and past versions of the Hamlet story is provided by Raffel in his introduction, which also includes an examination of the characters of Hamlet and Ophelia. Also included is Harold Bloom’s conclusion essay, in which he reflects on the originality of Shakespeare’s achievement.

The bibliography was vital as it helped better understand the characters in ‘Hamlet.’ It ensured a smooth transition in distinguishing differences in each character due to its simple vocabulary and phrases. It also helped me understand the happenings in every scene.

Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Prabhat Prakashan, 2021.

The article studies the play and explains every detail and plot in the story to the reader. It explains the various themes, character traits, and comparisons in the play. The author shows how different themes are developed in the play (Shakespeare, 70). Revenge, treachery, and grief are among the themes that are explained. It also highlights how individuals differ in their responses when faced with similar situations.

The article was helpful in my analysis as it helped me understand the various characters in the play. It helped me understand how the characters express their feeling in different situations.


Fenech, Sean. “Give us the foils: fencing in Hamlet.” (2020).

Gates, Joanne E. “What Happens (And Doesn’t) In Hamlet (And Who Cares?).” (2021).

Portmann, A. (2018). Shakespeare’s new contemporariness, or Hamlet in the Yugoslav Drama Theatre of the 21st century. Cahiers Élisabéthains, 96(1), 172-184.

Shakespeare, William, and Burton Raffel. Hamlet (The Annotated Shakespeare). Yale University Press. 2022.

Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Prabhat Prakashan, 2021.


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