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Analysis of Horror in Ray Bradbury’s “There Will Come Soft Rains”


A person or group experiences horror when they feel fear, dread, and shock (Clasen et al., 2018). Horror can be found in various forms of media, including literature, film, and television. Ray Bradbury, an American science fiction and fantasy novelist, is renowned for his horror writings. 1950 was the first publication of “There Will Come Gentle Rains,” one of his most renowned works. This narrative explores the fate of a family’s residence following a nuclear blast. The narrative contemplates the possibility of humanity’s destruction by technology. It also comments on the human condition and its vulnerability to nature’s forces (Clasen et al., 2018). In this paper, I will explore the horror parts of “There Will Be Gentle Rains,” including its themes, environment, and characters’ reactions to the terror.

Themes of Horror

The narrative of “There Will Come Gentle Rains” incorporates terror elements. The predominant theme is the apprehension of death and devastation. The narrative occurs in a post-apocalyptic world where a nuclear weapon obliterates the city and its residents. The reader is shown the enduring repercussions of the bomb, such as the destruction of homes and structures and the lack of human life (Clasen et al., 2018). This fear of death and destruction is heightened by the existence of invisible, radioactive particles lethal to all living things that come in contact with them.

The story also contains themes of solitude and loneliness. The detached home displays this structure that survived the bombing (RAJITHA THAKUR, 2019). The house represents the family that once resided there but is now deserted and in ruins alone. This notion of loneliness and isolation is further highlighted by the fact that the only living thing in the city is the house. This feeling of alone and isolation is heightened by the fact that the house is surrounded by death and ruin.

The final horror theme in “There Will Come Soft Rains” is the fear of the unknown. The reader is presented with a world empty and devoid of life, and what will happen next must be clarified. This fear of the unknown is further emphasized by the fact that the house still functions, even though no one lives there. This suggests that the technology created by humans is still functioning, even though the humans themselves are no longer present.


Another element of fear in “There Will Come Gentle Rains” is the setting. The narrative occurs in a post-apocalyptic world where a nuclear weapon has destroyed the city and its residents (Clasen et al., 2018). The reader is shown the enduring repercussions of the bomb, such as the destruction of homes and structures and the lack of human life. A working house is the city’s sole live thing that accentuates this dismal environment. This generates a sense of eerie emptiness and devastation as the reader ponders what became of the city’s former inhabitants.

Due to the existence of invisible radioactive particles, the environment is also frightening. These particles are responsible for the death of all living things that come into contact with them, instilling the reader with terror and dread. These unseen particles also instill a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty in the reader, who always attempts to predict when and where they might occur.

Characters’ Reaction to Horror

In “There Will Come Gentle Rains,” the characters’ reaction to terror is one of acceptance. Even if the city is in ruins and the only living thing is the house, the characters do not exhibit signs of fear or panic. Instead of this, they accept their lot with resignation and acceptance. This is demonstrated by the fact that the house continues to function while unoccupied. This indicates that the characters have accepted their fate and are at peace with it, as they realize they do not influence the circumstance.


In conclusion, “There Will Come Gentle Rains” by Ray Bradbury incorporates difficult aspects. These components include death and destruction, loneliness and isolation, and apprehension of the unknown. The story’s backdrop lends to its terror, as it is a bleak region littered with ruins and devoid of people. Last, the character’s reaction to the terror is justified because they recognize they have no control over the situation.


Clasen, M., Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J., & Johnson, J. A. (2018). Horror, personality, and threat simulation: A survey on the psychology of scary media. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences14(3).

Sulistyawati, E. E., & Bram, B. (2021). Word Formation Processes in There Will Come Soft Rains Short Story. LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya18(2), 272–289.

RAJITHA THAKUR, D. K. (2019). Portrayal of Dystopian Society in the select works of Ray Bradbury.


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