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Advisory Opinion on Trust Issues in Yul Tide’s Estate

The Estate of Mr. Yul Tyde, who died suddenly on October 1, 2023, is at issue in this lawsuit. After reviewing the provided documents such as the email from Carole Singer, notes from the client conference, the last will of Mr. Yul Tyde, a letter from Goodwill Dunn to you, an email exchange between Ms. Singer and Mr. Tyde, and a note enclosed with the letter to Mr. Dunn from Mr. Tyde, these issues arose. The correct distribution of Yul Tyde’s inheritance and the accomplishment of his testamentary objectives need a thorough study of these issues legal and ethical concerns. This advice will provide the executor with thorough counsel by methodically addressing each problem and using pertinent trust law concepts.

Issue 1: Whether Yul Tyde’s will which is dated 1 December 2022 is valid and the challenge that Carole Singer poses to the share’s bequests designated for Noel Tyde is valid.


In the United Kingdom, the Wills Act of 1837 provides the needed formalities of the valid will execution. A document has to be signed by the testator, must be in writing, and should be witnessed by one or more witnesses. Re Foenander case holds that the court must consider the external evidence when it is faced with uncertainties or ambiguities in a will. Again, Central London Property Trust Ltd v. High Trees House Ltd case established the promissory estoppel doctrine and it can also be applied to this case. The doctrine examines the situation where a party made promises which they should rationally expect to induce forbearance and action and the promise relied on such promise to their detriment.


As evidenced in Document 2 Yul Tyde’s will fully adheres to such formal requirements. In this case, the shares bequest to Noel Tyde is contradicted by the email exchange between Carole Singer and Yul Tyde (Document 4). Yul has transferred his shares to Carole explicitly as a birthday present and this has created an ambiguity the case of Re Foenander necessitates.

It is important to approach Yul Tyde’s will interpretation with a broader context when advising the executors. The intrinsic evidence that the email provides could potentially alter the testamentary intent (Garton, Probert & Bean, 2020). In this case, document 4 which is the email exchange with Carole Singer shows an unequivocal promise of transferring shares as a belated birthday present. Carole Singer having relied on this promise can have altered her position to her detriment and this satisfied the promissory estoppel elements.


Considering the potential emotional toll and cost of litigation, negotiation for a settlement with Carole Singer is a good move. It will be important to craft a better argument based on the Re Fornander so that I can defend Noel Tyde’s claim. Moreover, with regards to the Yul Tyde’s promise potential enforceability under the promissory estoppel advising the executors to adopt negotiation with Carole Singer is critical. Crafting a settlement that acknowledges this claim through the adjustment in the asset’s distribution may mitigate the protracted mitigation risks fostering an amicable solution.

Issue 2

What is the validity of the £120,000 to Goodwill Dunn with the impact knowledge that he would hold it for Yul’s illegitimate daughters, (Holly and Ivy Reith) and their mother, Belle Reith’s benefit and whether Ling Toh’s potential claim based on a strong moral obligation is valid


Equity application is critical when dealing with informal trusts. The Trustees Act 1925 in the United Kingdom offers a framework for the trust’s recognition and also acknowledges the equity principles. The courts mostly recognize trusts even when there is no formal documentation and emphasize the significance of the intention of the settler and the trustee’s acceptance.


Examining the trust arrangement validity between Goodwill Dunn and Yul Tyde, it is critical to reference cases like the Re Ellenborough and Re Kayford. Such establishes the witnesses of the courts to uphold the informal trusts and emphasize the importance of ascertaining the intention of the setter and the acceptance of the trustee’s trust responsibilities.

Again, the Duties and Powers of Trustees Act 2000 provides the duties and the powers of the trustees and reinforces the legal duties linked to managing and holding the trust property. Even though the statute never specifically addresses informal trusts, it offers a framework for general powers and duties that trustees owe to the beneficiaries.

With regards to Goodwill Dunn’s role context as an informal trustee, the duties that the Trustees Act 2000 outlines are critical. In this case, Goodwill Dunn is obliged to act in the beneficiaries’ best interest exercise reasonable skill and care, and adhere to the trust arrangement terms. As such, the judges will likely assess his actions against such statutory duties.

Again, during the many years that Ling Toh worked for Yul Tyde, she was a committed employee who provided discretion, care, and attention, as stated in the letter Goodwill Dunn sent to Krystyna Mass [Document 5]. Because of the significant part she played in Yul’s life, he contends that Yul owed Ling Toh a significant amount of moral duty. Ling Toh’s undying love for Yul and her sacrifices for her improvement are two of the most essential considerations in assessing whether or not Yul is entitled to the thirty-thousand-pound inheritance.


It is critical to understand the court’s likelihood of upholding the informal trust when advising the executors. Formal documentation absence never negates the trust existence if the acceptance and intention are evident. Transparent communication between Reoth and Holly and Belle Reith is important to ensure the bequest equitable distribution as Yul Tyde intended. Again, Due diligence will help in safeguarding against potential legal issues. In the Trustees Act 2000, duties outlined include managing the trust property, maintaining transparent communication with the beneficiaries, and documenting decisions to strengthen his position in case of legal scrutiny event.

Moreover, if Ling Toh demonstrates a strong moral commitment, she should be considered a deserving receiver of the thirty-thousand-pound present. Determine the extent of the influence that Ling Toh had on Yul’s life and the nature of that influence, as well as determine whether or not Yul has a moral obligation to include her in the distribution of the Estate. This step is the most important part. Additionally, it may be necessary to do additional research on the nature of Ling Toh’s relationship with Yul, the duration of her work, and the impact that her discretion and commitment have had on Yul’s life.


What is the validity of Carle Singer’s claim to the Advete Ltd shares, challenging the bequest In Yul Tyde’s will that designated them for Noel Tyde, his brother?


Promissory estoppel precludes parties from backtracking on the promise in case the other party has reasonably relied on the same promise to their detriment. The concept as discussed is grounded in the Central London Property Trust Ltd v. High Trees House Ltd that emphasizes the doctrine’s nature. Again, testamentary freedom may be understood as a principle that allows people to dispose of their property as they may find it fit through a will intersects with another principle called the property estoppel whereby when promises about inheritance are found to induce detrimental reliance (Webb & Akkouh, 2017). The Re Basham case shows the cautious approach of the court when balancing equity and testamentary freedom. Again, Re Rose establishes that testamentary declarations are where the declarations or promises outside the will may influence the testamentary intentions.


The mail exchange between Yul Tyde and Carole Singer in Document 4 shows an unequivocal promise to transfer shares as a belated birthday showing that change in Carole Singer’s position with a probable detriment arising from relying on Yul’s promise. The promissory estoppel doctrine as is shown in the High Trees case helps to evaluate Yul Tyde’s promise enforceability.

In this case, a proprietary claim could arise in case Carole’s expectations will not be honored, The Re Basham case shows the inclination of the court to intervene in case there is a detrimental reliance case even within the testamentary freedom realm.

Also, the extensive evidence provided like the email exchange between Carole Singer and Yul Tyde can be important in establishing the testamentary intentions. The court in Re Rose may acknowledge the extraneous evidence significance when trying to understand the true intentions of the testator.


Under promissory estoppel, Carole Singers’ claim is strong. As such, it is critical to engage in negotiation to reach the needed settlement which recognizes the legitimate expectations while at the same time considering the testamentary intent that the will outlines are good recommendations (Garton, Probert & Bean, 2020). Having a collaborative strategy may avoid protracted litigation and lead to a fair resolution.

Again, to avoid a legal challenge, the executors need to recognize the transparent communication with Carole Singer and emphasize the testamentary intentions while at the same time recognizing the proprietary estoppel claim potential. Such an approach aims at striking a balance between equitable claims and testamentary freedom.

The executors need to document any relevant promises or conversions that Yul Tyde made outside the will to fortify the testamentary intentions. Such documentation may serve as important extensive evidence in case of legal challenge and align with the principles that Re Rose established.


The interpretation and validity of Yul Tyde’s will need careful consideration of external evidence. The trust arrangement that involves Goodwill Dunn should be guided by guided by fairness and the relevant statutes. Carole’s claim to shares in this case involves the promissory estoppel and proprietary estoppel doctrines which means there is a need to balance the testamentary freedom. Agents should utilize alerts, counsel legitimate specialists, and convey transparency to avoid family conflict through Yul Tyde’s home’s execution.


Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd [1947] KB 130

Foenander v Foenander | [2004] EWCA Civ 1675

Garton, J., Probert, R., & Bean, G. (2020). Moffat’s trusts law: text and materials. Cambridge University Press.

Re Kayford Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 279

Re Rose [1952] EWCA Civ 4

The Trustee Act 2000

The Wills Act of 1837

Webb, C., & Akkouh, T. (2017). Proprietary claims and the liability of third parties. In Trusts Law (pp. 332-385). Palgrave, London.

The Duties and Powers of Trustees Act 2000


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