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Adult Health Clinical Learning Reflection and Plan

For me, as a rising nurse with a connected practice transition, knowing my areas of strength and what needs improvement in adult healthcare is critical. I look through my clinical experiences through the NCLEX-RN® test plan, highlighting the areas for development and the ways to enhance my abilities. The NCLEX-RN® test plan outlines the essential knowledge and skills for entry-level registered nurses, encompassing four client need categories: Each element is Physiological Integrity, Psychosocial Integrity, Health Promotion and Maintenance, or Environmental Integrity, with other subcategories. Through this lens, I can critically assess and clearly see what I may need to work on. The assessment also serves to identify the gaps in knowledge and practice. Hence, I am well prepared to provide safe and effective care for the adult patient. In this way, I can use clinical experiences to sharpen the competencies that are reflected in activity statements within the test plan, and hence, I will be better prepared for the NCLEX-RN® exam and professional practice.

Clinical Experience Reflection and Plan

A particular clinical experience I will remember involved the care of a 65-year-old female patient who had just recovered from hip replacement surgery. This experience allowed me to practice within the Physiological Integrity: Basic Care and Comfort category. I comprehensively assessed her vital signs, utilized the Numeric Pain Rating Scale to monitor pain, and employed comfort measures such as repositioning and offering ice packs. I also addressed her psychosocial integrity. The fulfillment of basic psychological needs via active listening to her anxieties, emotional support, and the provision of a calm and respectful situation. Such tasks comply with the NCLEX-RN® test plan statements 1.1 and 5.2, respectively, showing my proficiency in providing basic care and addressing psychiatric needs.

However, there were points where I thought I could do better. I did the basic wound care as per the physician’s orders, although I needed to gain more knowledge of this wound type and dressing changes. This aligns with physiological integrity. Reduction of Infection Risk Potential categories and statement 6.1 focuses mainly on the need for complete information to minimize infection risks. Besides, the patient was worried about going back to mobility after the surgery. I, instead, gave encouragement and general information but could have managed more if I had explored coping mechanisms and worked with occupational therapy for relevant interventions in line with psychosocial integrity. Coping category and statement 4.3.

Developing prospects in medicine fields related to quality wound care and psychosocial training in dealing with anxiety-ridden patients is therefore critical. Wound care specialist shadowing is a pedestal for learning. Seeing many wound types during the orientation period and helping with dressing changes will unquestionably strengthen my knowledge about the subject as well as improve my technique. By being involved in practical hands-on experience, I would appreciate the details of different wound healing stages, dressing choices, and complications, which are so important for the safe and effective management of wound care therapy. Additionally, the observation of the manner in which the specialist communicates and interacts with a patient will give good perceptions of winning a caring and collaborative mood during the procedure of wound care.

Moving beyond physical care, volunteering with organizations that tackle anxiety disorders will be useful as a stepping stone for my psychosocial intervention skills. Active listening, collaborating with anxiety sufferers, and working with mental health practitioners will prove to be great training. This immersive experience will improve how I empathize with patients’ anxiety, identify helpful coping strategies, and support them, which will promote their well-being. Moreover, through this experience, I will be prepared with the necessary communication skills for dealing with vulnerable patients and even building their trust.

The doing of clinical rotations in rehabilitation units makes a perfect platform or bridge between physical and psychosocial needs. Observing the challenging path for patients who want to recover from locomotion restriction will help me understand their physical difficulties. Fellowship in patient care with occupational therapists will help me to acquire such knowledge and skills to support my previous surgery patient in safety, gaining mobility once again. Far more significant, the act of witnessing and taking part in collaborative care will enhance my skill of meeting the possible uneasiness connected to movement which is an important part of holistic rehabilitation.

Realizing that being solely dependent on clinical experiences is a great limitation, I pledge to widen my learning horizon accordingly. Platforms like Coursera and Udemy have self-directed modules on advanced pharmacology, cardiac rehabilitation, and coping mechanisms for chronic illnesses online. This means I can go more in-depth in certain areas at my pace, making sure I know more than what I would have had through clinical encounters. Additionally, reading authoritative journals like the American Journal of Nursing and Heart & Lung helps me keep up with the latest research, granting access to evidence-based practices to direct my interventions. Directly, associations with guidance from experienced nurses who specialize in heart problems or chronic illnesses are highly beneficial; they provide unique best practices, advice, and peer support. Through application in different valuable learning opportunities, I build up the capability to fill in the knowledge and skills gaps, turning me into a rounded and fully prepared nurse.


Through critical reflection on my clinical practice and mapping my learning against the NCLEX- RN® test plan, I established that I need to extend my knowledge in advanced drug therapy management and psychosocial care of patients with chronic ailments. I will complete my planned activities, which involve shadowing a cardiology pharmacist, participating in a cardiac rehabilitation program, and volunteering in anxiety support organizations, to acquire the knowledge and skills on how to tackle these areas effectively. My clinical practice is enhanced greatly as a direct result of following the NCLEX-RN® plan, which has turned out to be very useful in examination preparation and professional development. I am sure that by practicing the listed strategies, I will be equipped to provide patient-centered care to adults as a future registered nurse.


NCSBN. (2023). 2023 NCLEX-RN test plan.


Whiterose. (2020). STRATEGIC RESEARCH ALLIANCE FINAL REPORT Review of Continuing Professional Development in Nursing.


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