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Academic Achievements Essays

Fostering Social Change Through Academic Achievements

Within the marketing field, a successful branding technique is usually credited as one of the primary contributors to the success of an organization. Primarily, the technique adds visibility and credibility to one of the products of a company and helps it stand out within a competitive market. At the same time, as nurse scholars, people ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 713

Impact of Social Class on Academic Achievement in TESL

Abstract This study examined how social class affects how well TESL students do in school. The problem statement said that students from lower social classes have less access to resources and support systems than students from higher social classes, so they do worse in school. A literature review showed that students from lower social classes ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4257
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The Impact of Parental Involvement on Children’s Academic Achievement in Primary Schools

Introduction: The importance of parental participation in their children’s academic lives to their academic achievement is well accepted. Primary schools in the United Kingdom greatly emphasise parental or guardian engagement in a child’s education. There needs to be more information on the extent of parental engagement in primary schools and how it impacts students’ academic ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3774

Why Do Americans Stink at Math

As a mathematics student, I have often wondered why Americans struggle with math. The article “Why Do Americans Stink at Math” from the New York Times Magazine provides insight into this question. The article discusses the reasons why Americans, as a population, have difficulty with math and how this can be addressed. The article begins ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 585

Academic Skills & Studying With Confidence

1.1 Introduction Academically qualified pupils are more likely to be hired and keep their jobs for the long term. Academic achievement is critical for future advancement in increasingly demanding professions. Academic achievement has a favourable impact on the conduct and social connections with peers and family. Academic achievement requires a combination of qualities such as ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2092
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