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A Fun, Affordable Way To Improve Health and Quality of Life

Keeping one’s functional independence and capacity to control one’s life for an extended period is crucial to the quality of life for older persons. Many older people consider health promotion programs tedious and view exercise more as a therapeutic tool than a recreational pastime. Moreover, they also view exercise negatively, seeing it as something that causes muscular pain and discomfort rather than something that may be enjoyed. One possible approach to lowering the obstacles to participation among older persons in exercise and health education programs is to combine the two in a familiar and enjoyable game. One example is using an interactive “Jeopardy”-style quiz game to raise awareness and enhance older individuals’ understanding of antibiotic usage.

Bingo is another well-known and popular game that people of all ages enjoy, particularly older people. Due to its widespread popularity and inherent appeal, Bingo is a great program enhancer for including health education and activity (Middleton et al., 2020). Bingocize is a game that has been used successfully in health education to raise awareness among older persons about the dangers of pharmaceutical usage and potential interactions between drugs. My perspective on aging has been profoundly altered by my involvement with Bingocize©, a groundbreaking program that combines physical activity with the game of Bingo.

Challenging Preconceptions

Admittedly, my perspective on aging was prejudiced before this course. When I was younger, most people were sedentary, not interested in making new friends, and resistant to trying anything new, especially regarding fitness regimens. These ideas were, however, destroyed by Bingocize©. I had doubts about the seniors’ level of engagement, but they surprised me with their passion and energy. I learned a lot from their enthusiasm for the physical activity and the social aspect of Bingo. Despite my prior assumptions about the elderly being sedentary, I was pleasantly surprised to see how enthusiastic and capable they were of participating in the program’s mix of recreational activities, physical activity, and social interaction.

Consistency with Existing Beliefs

While Bingocize© made me reevaluate some of my views, it also strengthened others. I have always thought that the health of the elderly is much affected by their ability to engage in social activities. My analysis of the show provided further evidence supporting the social interaction theory. Community spirit was alive and well because of Bingo’s social component and the group activities (Rassi, 2020). My previous assumptions about the importance of social interaction for the mental health and feelings of community of the elderly were confirmed by this.

 Statements that Make an Impact.

Three key observations during this assignment profoundly impacted me.

During this assignment, three major observations impacted me the most. Before anything else, the participants’ physical abilities were steadily improving. Some people needed more confidence initially and had difficulty with some activities. However, as the weeks went by, they became much more mobile and confident in their abilities to do these things. Furthermore, the most influential finding for me from this work was the boost in cognitive engagement among the older members of society. Participants needed to be intellectually sharp since they were both physically active and playing Bingo (Stevens, 2019). They demonstrated enhanced cognitive capabilities via speedier reactions and increased attention throughout the game, suggesting that this dual involvement was beneficial.

The assignment’s focus on emotional upliftment also had a significant effect on me. Everyone seemed so happy and proud of themselves, which was the most eye-catching thing. The emotional advantages of Bingocize© were shown by their smiles, laughing, and higher self-esteem, particularly after winning a game or finishing an activity.

 Influencing Future Interests

My Bingocize© experience has greatly impacted my perspective on dealing with older persons. Bingocize© has given my interest in gerontology, which was mostly theoretical at first, to a practical and emotional side. My resolve to become an expert in this area has been strengthened by seeing the positive effects of such programs on the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of the elderly. My newfound interest is in creating or contributing to groundbreaking initiatives that improve the lives of older people.

Generally, I have learned a lot and unlearned a lot over my time with Bingocize©. As a result, I now better understand the complex requirements of the elderly, and my preconceived notions about aging have been proven wrong. First and foremost, it has changed my life goals for the future, leading me to pursue a profession where I can positively impact the lives of the elderly. Anyone interested in working with the elderly would do well to take note of this program as an example of how creative solutions may enhance their quality of life by bringing people together via pleasant and physically demanding activities.


Middleton, G., Henderson, H., Clay, G., Mongan, A., Daniel, M., Jason, C., … & David, B. (2020). Exploring the effects of Bingocize®: an interactive community-based physical activity intervention for older adults in the UK.

Rassi, S. (2020). Effects of Bingocize® on Overall Physical Activity, Functional Performance, Blood Glucose Level, Sleep Quantity, and Quality Among Older Adults in Assisted-Living Facilities.

Stevens, L. R. (2019). Observation and Self-Report of Fun and Social Engagement of Nursing Home Residents During Bingocize®.

Western Kentucky University. (2020). Bingocize video.


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