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A Comparative Analysis of Baroque and Neoclassical Art: Bernini’s “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” and David’s “Oath of the Horatii”

The emotional, cultural, and social conditions of an era are always reflected in the works of art created during that era. This paper aims to compare and contrast two pieces of art from the Baroque and Neoclassical periods: Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” and Jacques-Louis David’s “Oath of the Horatii.” These works of art provide intriguing light on their respective eras by examining dedication, sacrifice, and moral obligation. This paper will analyze how the chosen works portray the problem by delving into the artists’ historical circumstances, the aesthetic tendencies of the respective periods, and more.

Artists and Backgrounds:

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, a great Baroque sculptor, was known for his profound Catholic faith and ability to imbue his sculptures with powerful emotions. His masterwork, “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” (1652), is in Rome’s Cornaro Chapel of Santa Maria della Vittoria. Bernini was the papal court’s main sculptor and was very pious. The sculpture depicts Saint Teresa of Avila in spiritual ecstasy as an angel pierces her heart with an arrow (Dumont. 2). Bernini’s great attention to detail and use of materials produced a realistic environment that grabbed visitors and made the spiritual experience tangible. Bernini honored Saint Teresa’s deep spirituality by combining religious and dramatic themes in this sculpture.

Enlightenment notions that art should teach morality influenced Jacques-Louis David, a key player in the shift from Rococo to Neoclassicism. His masterwork, “Oath of the Horatii” (1784), shows his devotion to utilizing art to express moral and political topics. Enlightenment intellectuals and revolutionary politics impacted David’s art. The Horatii brothers swear to preserve Rome at whatever cost in the artwork (Black. 3). David’s painstaking research and character arrangement highlight obligation, selflessness, and civic responsibility. Through his dedication to moral principles and his presentation of historical narratives as lessons for contemporary society, David effectively propounded Neoclassical ideals.

Stylistic Characteristics of Baroque and Neoclassical Periods:

Exuberant feelings and dramatic compositions were hallmarks of the Baroque era, and Bernini’s “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” is a perfect example of this. The sculpture, with its billowing drapes and active shapes that seem frozen in a moment of heavenly intervention, is an ideal example of the Baroque preference for the dramatic (Dumont.6). St. Teresa’s deep spiritual experience came through brilliantly because of the cinematographer’s use of dramatic lighting and the artist’s careful portrayal of textures. The sculpture’s ornate design and the ethereal facial expressions made it clear that the Baroque period placed a premium on emotional intensity and the merging of art and spirituality.

As exemplified by Jacques-Louis David’s “Oath of the Horatii,” Neoclassicism emphasized reason, clarity, and doing the right thing. The composition of this picture is exemplary of Neoclassical principles, with its symmetrical grouping of people, clean lines, and harmonious shapes evoking the art of ancient Greece and Rome (Black. 4). In keeping with the Neoclassical pursuit of moral teachings and the concept that art should influence society towards virtuous conduct, David has purposefully omitted elements in favor of a clear narrative. The somber color scheme and attitudes emphasized in the artwork further drive home the Neoclassical ideals of reason, responsibility, and selflessness.

III. Theme of Devotion, Sacrifice, and Moral Duty:

Bernini’s “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” captures the essence of devotion and the deep bond between humankind and the holy. The sculpture portraying Saint Teresa’s ecstatic experience materializes her unwavering faith tangibly. The intense joy on her face and the gentle hand gesture of the angel convey deep emotions that transport observers to a higher spiritual realm (Dumont.7). Bernini’s realistic representation of human anatomy and elaborate drapery enhances the scene’s emotional effect and prompt viewers to consider faith and commitment.

Jacques-Louis David’s “Oath of the Horatii” represents sacrifice and civic obligation. The brothers’ serious pledge to safeguard Rome by raising their arms in unison shows their willingness to die. The ordered lines and motions in the artwork inspire a feeling of duty beyond friendship or family (Black.5). The protagonists’ deadpan looks emphasize the moral weight of their choice, prompting viewers to consider the value of personal sacrifice for a larger good. David’s rigorous historical accuracy and use of classical architectural aspects underline the painting’s themes of duty, honesty, and ethics.

In summary, this analysis of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” and Jacques-Louis David’s “Oath of the Horatii” has illuminated the artists’ backgrounds, their eras, and how these famous works convey the themes of dedication, selflessness, and ethical responsibility. Contemporary audiences are drawn to these works because of their unique aesthetics and tales that echo the emotional and moral landscapes of the Baroque and Neoclassical eras. These works allow viewers to contemplate human experiences and the persistent ideas that molded art throughout these significant eras.

Works Cited

Black, Claire. “Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii – Smarthistory.”, 7 Jan. 2016,

Dumont, Montaine. “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini: Divine Bliss or Pure Erotic Pleasure?” DailyArt Magazine, 4 Aug. 2023, Accessed 8 Aug. 2023.


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