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Managing in Global Environment Discussion


Managing global logistics, particularly packaging, is an essential component of the operation of any modern business. It is necessary to have effective packaging logistics to ensure that items can move without any interruptions from factories to homes in today’s global supply chains and constantly shifting customer expectations (Hill, 2021). This research problem is very pertinent to contemporary business and professional practices since it impacts several aspects of supply chain management, including the satisfaction of customers, the safety of products, the viability of the supply chain, and the efficiency of costs.

Purpose of Research

Studies conducted on international packaging and logistics have shed light on how modern business and professional practices might be enhanced. With an eye on the environment, this research investigates various topics, including structural design, the circular economy, and packaging logistics, with the objectives of optimizing processes, reducing waste, and mitigating the effects of environmental impacts (Li‐na et al., 2023). Furthermore, these studies contribute to advancing global supply chain management techniques by adding to the knowledge already available. This, in turn, makes it possible to develop and innovate new ways continuously.

Literature Review

According to Hill’s “Global Business Today” (2021), packaging is a crucial component of logistics in international trade. The book strongly emphasizes logistics’s vital role in making cross-border product movement profitable and efficient. The text examines the complexity of global supply chain management to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the complicated opportunities and challenges of doing business internationally (Hill, 2021). The book offers a comprehensive overview of global trade and its nuances, making it a priceless tool for learning about the role of logistics, particularly packaging, in efficiently transferring goods across borders.

A 2019 study by Kuo et al. explores the circular economy concept in detail and how it applies to logistics systems for packing and shipping LCD panels. They discovered that incorporating circular economy principles into this process was crucial in cutting waste and protecting resources (Kuo et al., 2019). The authors contend that rethinking packaging materials might lengthen their valuable lives and lessen their environmental effects by making them more robust and recyclable. They also stress the need for effective reverse logistics strategies to support sustainability by effectively recovering and recycling packaging materials. By using these tactics, businesses may enhance supply chain operations and lessen their environmental impact. This will guarantee that objects stay intact and contribute to more general sustainability objectives.

Li? na et al. (2023) present groundbreaking discoveries after delving into the intricate structural design and performance evaluation of corrugated fiberboard, focusing on its laminated structure. This study contributes significantly to the body of knowledge by offering fresh insights on the best-using packing materials for enhanced durability and improved protection during transport (Li‐na et al., 2023). The authors provide cutting-edge strategies for strengthening packaging’s structural integrity via meticulous research and testing, lowering the possibility of product damage and supply chain disruptions. By using the findings of this research, companies may significantly increase the efficiency of their logistics processes since the robustness of packing materials plays a critical role in safeguarding products over intricate transportation networks. As a result, this study significantly advances our theoretical and practical understanding of packaging logistics.

Morgan et al. (2022) comprehensively examine how small-scale beer value chains could proactively leverage planned distribution logistics and packaging choices to lessen their environmental effect. This study emphasizes the importance of thoughtful packaging and effective distribution strategies to minimize environmental impact throughout the value chain. The authors stress using sustainable packaging materials and the best possible distribution channels via thorough research and valuable insights (Morgan et al., 2022). These steps reduce carbon emissions and support more general environmental preservation objectives. By implementing the research recommendations, beer industry businesses may increase operational efficiency and become more competitive and sustainable.

Practical Application of the Literature

Hill’s examination of the dynamics of international commerce provides a better understanding of the relevance of packaging logistics. Businesses may apply the principles presented in the book when planning to manage package logistics in a global supply chain. They should consider various factors, including cultural differences, trade regulations, and market dynamics (Hill, 2021).

Through the use of environmentally responsible packaging practices, businesses have the potential to lessen their effect on the environment. These practices may be influenced by the results of Kuo et al. about the circular economy of shipping LCD panels (Kuo et al., 2019). Companies can rethink their packaging materials to make them more recyclable and build up closed-loop mechanisms to enable consumers to return and reuse things to fulfill customer demand for environmentally friendly products and reduce adverse environmental effects. This will help businesses to reduce their impact on the environment.

The study conducted by Li? et al. on the structural design and performance optimization of corrugated fiberboard may provide helpful suggestions for improving the materials used for packaging to safeguard products better. At the same time, they are being transported (Li‐na et al., 2023). Items sent are less likely to experience damage while being transported due to laminated structures and other cutting-edge design characteristics. This helps businesses save money and makes consumers more satisfied.

To reduce the adverse effects of small-scale beer value chains on the environment, Morgan and colleagues’ research underscores the relevance of making intelligent choices about packaging and putting successful distribution methods into action (Morgan et al., 2022). By using environmentally friendly materials for packaging and optimizing their distribution routes, businesses have the potential to lessen their impact on the environment, minimize their carbon footprint, and maintain their competitive edge.


In the end, research that focuses on international packaging and logistics has the potential to significantly influence howtions and professionals function in the modern day (Kuo et al., 2019). By using the results of many research studies, organizations have the potential to enhance the performance of their supply chains, reduce their impact on the environment, and optimize their package logistics. It is essential to embrace both innovation and sustainability in packaging technologies to meet the requirements of today’s markets and to create a corporate environment that is more resilient and responsible for the future.


Hill, C.W.L. (2021). Global Business Today (12th Ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (U.S.). Https://Reader2.Yuzu.Com/Books/9781264209620

Kuo, T. C., Chiu, M. C., Chung, W. H., & Yang, T. I. (2019). The Circular Economy Of LCD Panel Shipping In A Packaging Logistics System. Resources, Conservation And Recycling149, 435-444.Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Resconrec.2019.06.022

Li‐Na, Z., Chen, Z., Li, L., Yan‐Ping, G., Xin, C., & Zheng, X. (2023). Structural Design And Performance Study Of Corrugated Fibreboard With A Laminated Structure. Packaging Technology And Science36(6), 411-423.Https://Doi.Org/10.1002/Pts.2718

Morgan, D. R., Styles, D., & Lane, E. T. (2022). Packaging Choice And Coordinated Distribution Logistics To Reduce The Environmental Footprint Of Small-Scale Beer Value Chains. Journal Of Environmental Management, p. 307, 114591.Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Jenvman.2022.114591


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