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Prioritizing Tasks for the Interactive Art Installation Initiative at Woodroffe Campus


Woodroffe campus is currently witnessing a decrease in student involvement and an increase in feelings of seclusion and loneliness. Surveys on students and faculty mental health reveal that one in ten students express feelings of loneliness, isolation, anxiety, or depression. This survey shows an increasing demand for community engagement and artistic outlets to address mental health concerns. The administration acknowledges that conventional approaches have not resulted in substantial progress.

Algonquin College’s Woodroffe campus proposes the introduction of interactive art installations as a means to enrich students’ academic, social, and cultural experiences. Its dedication to designing stimulating and energetic environments that facilitate lively and immersive educational, professional, social, and residential encounters inside the university grounds is an integral contributing factor to the initiative. The purpose of the art installations is to actively include students, faculty members, and guests in artwork activities hence creating a lively campus environment. Envision dynamic sculptures that react to motion, paintings enhanced with augmented reality that encourage investigation, and immersive digital soundscapes that engage students in intriguing adventures and narratives. The suggested art installations will encompass sculptures, graffiti, painting murals, digital projections and soundscapes, and several other modes of artistic manifestations, strategically positioned over the campus premises. The planning committee has to ensure the project is feasible, will have a positive impact, and fits in with the college’s overall objectives and budget requirements before implementing the initiative.

Value of the prioritization effort

The creation of project priorities often translates to efficient resource allocation, sound decision-making, and timely and structured implementation. The planning committee will better serve the college’s mission and prioritize its resources by establishing a hierarchy of priority tasks (Martin, 2024). This allows committee members to concentrate on the most impactful tasks as the initiative progresses. Emphasizing the execution of interactive art installations is essential for various reasons. First, efficient allocation of limited resources, such as funds, time, and labour, is necessary to enable the successful implementation of the program. Second, the prioritization of highly impactful art displays can greatly improve students’ creativity and experiences on campus. Utilizing the grid for project prioritization and selection is a pragmatic implementation of project planning and analysis methodologies (Rose, 2022). Lastly, it guarantees that the chosen art installations are in line with the college’s long-term goals and mission to create a dynamic and enhancing educational atmosphere.

Prioritization Grid

Weight of Goal
30% 20% 20% 30%
Strategic goals

Task List

Students’ engagement and value Academic enhancement, transformation, and creativity Financial benefits Social and cultural benefits Score
Research and selection of art themes and interactive features 2 3 2 2 2.2
Identification of installation locations and sites (traffic areas and designated spaces) 3 3 2 2 2.5
Setting up workshops to promote awareness and participation 3 3 1 2 2.3
Technology integration into the installations 2 2 1 1 1.5
Sourcing of materials and resources 2 2 2 2 2.0
Stakeholder engagement and collaboration 3 3 1 3 2.6
Helps goal
Hinders goal


From the prioritization grid, task evaluation is based on its contribution to the strategic goals. The weighting of the strategic goals is based on their overall significance in enhancing student academic, social, and cultural life at the campus. The prioritization grid offers project stakeholders a means to streamline all suggestions and identify the optimal options (Malsam, 2022). The grid presents the high, medium, and low-priority tasks that the committee must align with, to achieve the desired outcomes of the interactive art installations project (Rose, 2022). From the grid, high-priority tasks are stakeholder engagement and collaboration, and identification of installation sites with rating scores of 2.6 and 2.5 respectively. The rating scores indicate the task’s significant contributions to social and cultural benefits, academic transformation, and student engagement. Workshops for awareness campaigns and the selection of interactive features give a moderate contribution to the strategic goals. Those form the medium priority tasks for the art installation project. Technology integration into the installations with a rating score of 1.5 has low priority and a lesser impact on the project’s objectives.


Malsam, W. (2022, November 4). Project quality management: A quick guide. ProjectManager.

Martin, J. (2024). Project quality management: Week 3 & 4 Project Quality Planning [PowerPoint slides]. Algonquin College.

Rose, K. H. (2022). Project Quality Management, Third Edition: Why, What and How Third edition. J. Ross Publishing.


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