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Nursing Competencies in Patient-Centered Care


In nursing practice, competency values are reflected in how patient-centred care is delivered, together with the structure of nursing judgment and professional identity (Wei, 2022). Being concerned with patients’ uniqueness, dignity and diversity, I agree with ensuring safety and quality practices beyond reducing the pain level to achieve an effective nursing intervention based on patient’s needs. In my capacity as a health care professional, I cultivate a high-grade professional identity utilizing the principles of management, delegation, leadership and application of evidence-based findings and technology to be incorporated into patient-centred nursing care; my commitment towards inquiry starts.

Patient-Centered Care

My nursing approach often requires a shift into an adaptive mode to support the integral nature of physical health where which includes emotional ties and relationship mobility as well as socio-cultural considerations in patient cases. This dedication was manifested in an overwhelming assistance to a patient who faced sophisticated treatment, and I understood where one needs more than healthcare. By active listening, instead of only concentrating on their physical manifestations, I was also able to reach out emotionally (Wei, 2022). This comprehensive care strategy led to an evolved plan which encompassed not only the physiological aspect but also addressed social and spiritual needs; thus, I sealed my passion for a patient-centred approach to caring. I am really committed to making sure patients get safe and great healthcare. There was this one time when there was a big problem with the medication, but I noticed it quickly and fixed it. I made sure to say that looking out for the patients is not just something I have to do for my job, but it is also something I feel is the right thing to do. It is our responsibility, not just because it is part of our job, but because it is the right thing to do to make sure healthcare is excellent for everyone.

Nursing Judgment

My patient care strategy carries on the implementation of the nursing process. In the last year, I have encountered a challenging issue with which there was close to obvious data for infant patients. Adhering to the procedure, I systematically implemented every stage of patient care management, from assessment through diagnosis plan development and implementation, ending at evaluation. There was an evidence-based approach, which allowed me to understand the fundamental problems of this case thereby giving interventions that were relevant and responsive for her. In addition, a significant part of my nursing practice involves evidence-based decision making illustrated with regard to wound care scenarios (Manetti, 2019). Using up-to-date evidence research together with practices currently applied in the industry, I mitigated that all of my interventions were based on recent trends, mainly enabling me to keep abreast of contemporary developments, leaving patients’ medical game for possible opportunities under consideration.

Professional Identity

As a part of my activities, I have been able to showcase the leadership and organization needed in our team, where tasks are well organized and even distributed. Delegating tasks and responsibilities based on strengths helps to make the best use of resources, which in turn results in positive outcomes for patients as well. Doing tasks together stresses the significance of good delegation in getting to the top. As a leader, I made things better by encouraging our team to communicate more (Fitzgerald, 2020). I knew that teamwork was not just about individual skills. This made a big difference, and our patients got better, showing that good leadership and working together as a team really make healthcare better. The success of these efforts not only shows that I care about my work, but also that I want us to work well together as a team, all focused on taking care of our patients.

Spirit of Inquiry

I use evidence and technology to take care of patients better. I do this by including an advanced monitoring system in our regular patient check-ups. This helps me keep a close eye on vital signs and catch any potential issues early on. It shows how I try to be careful and prevent problems (O’Brien, 2023). This not only demonstrates my ability to adapt to modern-day healthcare applications but proves that I am keen on utilizing evidence-based practices which help greatly improve the quality and safety of patient care. Apart from integrating technology into my work, I also commit to close monitoring of the latest research results and discoveries, as well as their timely application in enhancing nursing practice. My evidence-based wound care is an example of my commitment to progressing and improving nursing practices and contributing to the modernization of healthcare standards.


In summary, my nursing approach is patient-centred, based on individual needs and diversity. I rely on evidence to make accurate decisions in patient care. As a leader, I effectively manage tasks and work with the healthcare team to ensure positive patient outcomes. I am also committed to research and applying the latest evidence and technology in nursing. As healthcare is always changing, I strive to adapt and improve based on the evolving needs of patients and research outcomes.


Fitzgerald, A. (2020, July). Professional identity: A concept analysis. In Nursing forum (Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 447-472).

Manetti, W. (2019, January). Sound clinical judgment in nursing: A concept analysis. In Nursing forum (Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 102-110).

O’Brien, T. (2023). Nurturing a Spirit of Inquiry: Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 50(6).

Wei, H. (2022). The development of an evidence-informed convergent care theory: working together to achieve optimal health outcomes. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 9(1), 11-25.


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