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Addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in the Pediatric Healthcare Setting While Dealing With Staffing Shortages

How can Healthcare Administrators address social determinants of health (SDOH) in the pediatric healthcare setting while dealing with staffing shortages since the pandemic?

Problem Background

The growing realization of the impact of socioeconomic determinants of health (SDOH) on the overall health of minors characterizes the changes noted in pediatric healthcare. The social factors include aspects such as socioeconomic status, neighborhood, access to good healthcare, and the level of education. Healthcare providers have undergone dramatic change in current times focusing on a wider understanding of the elements that determine the results of pediatric health.

The American Academy of Pediatrics shows that children face increased health risks compared to other groups. As per Gurrewich et al., (2020), living in unfavorable conditions such as unstable households as well as living in a violent society exacerbates the issues. The problem has both physical and psychological effects including malnutrition, disease as well as mental health problems. Lack of proper cognitive development may result from aspects such as failure to access quality education, a factor connected to the socioeconomic status of the minor (Gottlieb et al., 2019).

Discussion of the Problem

The topic has been explored in various resources highlighting several findings and conclusions. A study by Fraiman and Wojcik’s, (2020), examines the effects of SDOH on pediatric patient’s genetic diagnosis journey. The research studies the differences in the diagnosis levels between individuals from highlighted demographics underscoring the complexity of the interactions between the socioeconomic factors and the process undertaken in the diagnosis. Healthcare providers need to recognize and acknowledge the deficits to come up with effective policies to handle the distinct problems noted by the SDOH.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the significance of socioeconomic aspects on the minors’ health. Vulnerable individuals such as those living in poverty suffer from increased health burdens which worsens the poor health situation already in existence (Whitman et al., 2022). Overall, the pandemic has increased the workload of healthcare systems globally resulting in serious shortages of staff and other personnel important in the normal operation of the system. Administrators handling COVID-19 must come up with a resolution on how to effectively comprehend and handle SDOH and the shortage overlap being experienced (Whitman et al., 2022).

The issue is made more complex by the particular stressors that parents of children with significant medical needs, parents of immigrants, and parents of adolescents experience as caregivers (Smiley et al., 2022). Pediatric patients’ general well-being may be impacted by caregiver stress, which is influenced by social variables. To provide comprehensive and efficient healthcare, especially for vulnerable populations, caregiver stress must be addressed (Smiley et al., 2022).

The literature has found effective ways to address social determinants of health (Whitman et al., 2022). These evidence-based strategies include telehealth service rollout and community partnerships. One important element that is emphasized is community collaboration, which emphasizes the significance of comprehending and interacting with the distinct social variables that are common in particular pediatric populations.

According to a recent report by Whitman et al., the healthcare sector, which plays a crucial role in society’s overall health and well-being, has been severely impacted by a chronic and acute shortage of healthcare workers following the coronavirus pandemic. 2022). The deficiency of qualified medical care laborers across the medical services framework essentially affects medical clinics, assisted living habitats, centers, local area well-being focuses, and other medical services offices. As per the report, the fuel of well-being variations following the COVID-19 flare-up in the US features the criticalness of tending to the deficiency of talented medical services laborers (SDOH) in pediatric medical services settings. A lack of staff exacerbates these issues, necessitating imaginative solutions and extensive interventions.

Caregiver stress is a central question that should be addressed, especially in weak populations (Smiley, 2022). Because it has a positive impact on health outcomes, identifying and addressing caregiver stress in pediatric treatment is an essential component of a more holistic approach. The proof-based arrangements give directors important experiences (Whitman, 2022). Telehealth administrations, especially in high-socio-segment regions, offer promising chances to upgrade admittance to medical services and address staffing deficiencies.

Looking the other way can lead to more problems not too far away. For example, it could lead to children receiving inadequate early attention, which could lead to more confusing medical issues as they grow older. These medical issues can affect individuals in real life as well as negatively impact their academic performance and work wonders for them later on. Furthermore, when a large number of people are not doing well, the health services framework carries more significant costs and weights that affect the entire population (Berwick, 2020).


Berwick, D. M. (2020). The moral determinants of health. Jama324(3), 225-226.

Gurewich, D., Garg, A., & Kressin, N. R. (2020). Addressing social determinants of health within healthcare delivery systems: a framework to ground and inform health outcomes. Journal of general internal medicine35, 1571-1575.

Fraiman, Y. S., & Wojcik, M. H. (2021). The influence of social determinants of health on the genetic diagnostic odyssey: who remains undiagnosed, why, and to what effect? Pediatric research89(2), 295-300.

Gottlieb, L., Fichtenberg, C., Alderwick, H., & Adler, N. (2019). Social determinants of health: what’sa healthcare system to do? Journal of Healthcare Management64(4), 243-257.

Whitman, A., De Lew, N., Chappel, A., Aysola, V., Zuckerman, R., & Sommers, B. D. (2022). Addressing social determinants of health: Examples of successful evidence-based strategies and current federal efforts. Off Heal Policy, 1-30.

Smiley, Y., Silberholz, E., Bekele, E., & Brodie, N. (2022). Caregiver stress and social determinants of health in key populations: immigrant parents, parents of children with medical complexity, and adolescent parents. Current opinion in pediatrics34(5), 521-530.

Hassmiller, S. B., & Wakefield, M. K. (2022). The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. Nursing Outlook70(6), S1-S9.


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