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Impacts of Culture on ESL Students’ Academic Achievement

Several key themes have emerged following the comprehensive analysis of data collected from interviews and surveys, shedding light on the relationship between culture, language education, and academic success. The primary themes identified include 1-ESL Students’ Perception of Cultural Impact on Academic Performance, 2-Educators’ Role in Culturally Responsive Teaching, 3-Student Perceptions of Cultural Integration in Language Learning, 4- Impact of Cultural Perceptions on Academic Performance and 5-Teacher Perceptions and Cultural Responsiveness.

Theme 1: ESL Students’ Perception of Cultural Impact on Academic Performance

Several key insights emerged when examining ESL students’ perceptions of how culture influences their academic achievements. Firstly, a significant portion of ESL students expressed varying attitudes toward the role of culture in their academic success. For instance, many students from urban areas exhibited positive views regarding the impact of their cultural backgrounds on their English language learning and overall academic performance. Conversely, students from rural settings often harbored negative perceptions, attributing their cultural backgrounds as hindrances to their academic achievements. A notable finding within this theme was the correlation between students’ perceptions of culture and their language learning experiences.

Students who perceived their cultural backgrounds positively tended to exhibit higher engagement and motivation in language learning activities. They often expressed pride in their cultural heritage and viewed it as an asset that enriched their learning journey. Conversely, students with negative perceptions often struggled with feelings of inadequacy and faced challenges reconciling their cultural identities with the expectations of the educational system. Furthermore, within this theme, it became evident that the classroom environment played a crucial role in shaping students’ perceptions of culture and its impact on academic performance. Educators who fostered inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments were more successful in nurturing positive attitudes towards cultural diversity among their students. Conversely, classrooms lacking cultural inclusivity often exacerbated feelings of cultural alienation and hindered students’ academic progress.

Theme 2: Educators’ Role in Culturally Responsive Teaching

Findings revealed that educators’ perceptions and approaches toward integrating cultural content significantly influenced students’ academic engagement and achievement. A key insight within this theme pertains to educators’ awareness and understanding of the diverse cultural backgrounds represented in their classrooms. Educators who demonstrated cultural competence and sensitivity were better equipped to recognize and address ESL students’ unique needs and experiences from varied cultural contexts. They actively sought to incorporate diverse cultural perspectives into their instructional materials and pedagogical strategies, fostering a more inclusive learning environment. Moreover, educators who embraced culturally responsive teaching practices often employed interactive and participatory approaches, encouraging students to share their cultural experiences and perspectives. Educators facilitated meaningful connections between course content and students’ lived experiences by integrating students’ cultural identities into the curriculum, thereby enhancing students’ sense of belonging and academic engagement, Impact of Cultural Perceptions on Academic Performance.

Theme 3: Student Perceptions of Cultural Integration in Language Learning

The findings revealed the sophisticated nature of students’ perceptions, reflecting varying degrees of receptiveness and engagement with cultural components within the curriculum. One prominent aspect of this theme is students’ attitudes toward including cultural content in language learning materials. While some students expressed enthusiasm and appreciation for cultural diversity, viewing it as an enriching aspect of their language-learning journey, others exhibited resistance or indifference towards cultural integration, perceiving it as extraneous or irrelevant to their language proficiency goals. Furthermore, the findings highlighted the influence of students’ cultural backgrounds and prior experiences on their perceptions of cultural integration in language learning. Students from culturally diverse backgrounds often demonstrated greater openness and receptiveness to cultural content, recognizing its significance in fostering cross-cultural understanding and communicative competence.

In contrast, students with limited exposure to cultural diversity tended to prioritize language proficiency over cultural awareness, emphasizing the importance of contextualizing cultural content within students’ lived experiences. Moreover, this theme showed the impact of pedagogical approaches on students’ engagement with cultural content. Students responded positively to interactive and experiential learning activities that facilitated meaningful interactions with diverse cultural perspectives, fostering a sense of cultural empathy and appreciation. Conversely, passive or tokenistic approaches to cultural integration were met with skepticism and disinterest, indicating the importance of pedagogical authenticity and relevance in engaging students with cultural content. Conversely, educators who neglected to address cultural diversity within the classroom inadvertently perpetuated cultural stereotypes and biases, leading to feelings of marginalization among ESL students.

Theme 4: Impact of Cultural Perceptions on Academic Performance

The findings showed how cultural factors intersect with students’ learning experiences, shaping their academic outcomes and trajectories. One t aspect of this theme revolves around the influence of students’ cultural backgrounds on their academic achievements. The findings revealed that students from culturally diverse backgrounds often exhibited varying levels of academic success influenced by language proficiency, acculturation experiences, and socio-economic status. Students who navigated multiple cultural identities demonstrated resilience and adaptability in academic settings, leveraging their diverse linguistic and cultural competencies to excel academically. Furthermore, this theme showed the role of cultural perceptions in shaping students’ attitudes towards academic learning.

Students’ beliefs about the relevance and applicability of academic content to their cultural contexts significantly influenced their motivation, engagement, and investment in learning tasks. For instance, students who perceived academic materials as culturally relevant and meaningful demonstrated higher levels of intrinsic motivation and academic performance than those who perceived them as disconnected from their cultural realities. Moreover, the findings highlighted the impact of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in educational practices on students’ academic outcomes. Educators who adopted culturally responsive pedagogies and created inclusive learning environments fostered a sense of belonging and academic empowerment among students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Conversely, pedagogical approaches that neglected cultural diversity or perpetuated cultural stereotypes hindered students’ academic engagement and achievement, exacerbating disparities in educational attainment.

Theme 5: Teacher Perceptions and Cultural Responsiveness

The findings indicated the pivotal influence of educators’ attitudes, beliefs, and instructional practices on students’ cultural identity development, academic engagement, and achievement. One key aspect is educators’ awareness and understanding of cultural diversity in the classroom. The findings revealed that teachers who embraced a culturally responsive approach recognized and valued students’ diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment conducive to academic success. These educators demonstrated sensitivity to cultural factors, integrating students’ cultural experiences and perspectives into instructional materials and activities to enhance relevance and engagement. Furthermore, the findings highlighted the significance of educators’ intercultural competence and adaptability in effectively addressing the diverse needs of ESL students.

Educators who engaged in ongoing professional development and reflective practices demonstrated greater efficacy in navigating cultural differences, promoting cross-cultural understanding, and fostering positive learning experiences for students from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, the findings indicated the importance of educators’ role as cultural mediators and facilitators of intercultural learning experiences in the classroom. Teachers who embraced a proactive approach to cultural integration and diversity management effectively mitigated cultural barriers and conflicts, promoting intercultural communication and student collaboration. Educators empower students to develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and global awareness essential for success in diverse sociocultural contexts through culturally responsive teaching strategies, such as multicultural literature, culturally relevant pedagogy, and experiential learning activities.


This study revealed a significant relationship between ESL students’ perceptions of cultural impact and academic performance. Findings aligned with the sentiments of Jabeen et al. (2013) and Onal (2019), highlighting the divergent perceptions among students from rural and urban settings regarding the role of culture in academic achievement. In detail, urban students exhibited more positive attitudes towards cultural diversity and its impact on academic success, aligning with the findings of Arumugam et al. (2013) and Lai (2014). Conversely, rural students expressed negative perceptions, attributing cultural factors to hindrances in language acquisition and academic performance, as observed by Ding & Teo (2013). Additionally, the alignment between educators’ cultural responsiveness and students’ academic achievement emerged as a central theme in the discussion. Educators who embraced cultural diversity and intercultural competence fostered inclusive learning environments conducive to ESL students’ academic success as evidenced in the studies by Allred’s (2018) and Ding et al., (2013).

These educators promoted cross-cultural understanding and empowered students to navigate linguistic and cultural barriers effectively by integrating culturally relevant pedagogy and fostering open dialogue. Moreover, the varied perceptions of ESL students regarding cultural integration in language learning were evident in the research findings. These findings align with previous studies by Arumugam et al. (2013) and Lai (2014) who highlighted the varying degrees of importance students attributed to cultural knowledge acquisition in the language learning process. While some students valued cultural immersion as integral to language acquisition and identity formation, others emphasized linguistic proficiency over cultural fluency, reflecting diverse perspectives on the role of culture in language education. More importantly, the impact of cultural perceptions on academic performance emerged as a significant area of inquiry within ESL contexts. In a previous study, Bijani et al. (2022) highlighted the complex association between students’ cultural backgrounds and their reading comprehension abilities.

This aligned with this study’s findings, which suggested that students’ perceptions of cultural relevance in educational materials and instructional approaches significantly influenced their engagement and academic outcomes, emphasizing the need for culturally responsive pedagogy tailored to diverse learner needs. Furthermore, the role of teachers as cultural mediators and facilitators of intercultural learning experiences played a pivotal role in promoting cultural responsiveness in ESL classrooms. This findings resonated with findings from a recent study by Shin (2023) who demonstrated that educators who demonstrated intercultural competence and adaptability fostered inclusive learning environments that celebrated cultural diversity and promoted academic excellence. Educators mitigated cultural barriers and empowered students to thrive in multicultural settings by embracing culturally responsive teaching practices and fostering open dialogue. Overall, the findings emphasize the importance of acknowledging and addressing the diverse cultural needs of students to foster inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity, promote cross-cultural understanding, and empower students to achieve academic success in an increasingly interconnected world.


The conclusions drawn from this research are rooted in the empirical evidence unearthed and analyzed from the participants. This study has provided profound insights into the links between cultural perceptions and their profound impact on the academic performance of ESL students through a detailed exploration of themes and patterns within the collected data. This study not only fills gaps in current knowledge but also adds insights to the broader discourse on culturally responsive teaching and learning practices by juxtaposing the research findings with existing literature. The resonance between the outcomes of this study and those of other studies is notable when scrutinizing the research findings against established scholarly works. The findings of this and the other studies considered for the research indicate the fundamental significance of ESL students’ perceptions of cultural influence on their academic performance. Such alignment not only reaffirms the robustness of the findings but also accentuates the universality of certain educational phenomena across diverse cultural contexts. Conversely, the divergent conclusions identified in the study by Kings (2005) research serve as reminders of the varied nature of cultural perceptions and their far-reaching implications for academic achievement. This contrast highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of cultural dynamics in educational settings.

This study addresses a fundamental research question: how do cultural perceptions influence the academic performance of ESL students? By answering this question, the study emphasizes the indispensable role of educators in fostering inclusive learning environments that honor cultural diversity and promote academic excellence. Moreover, educators can create nurturing spaces where students feel valued, respected, and empowered to thrive academically by embracing culturally responsive teaching practices and nurturing open dialogue,. The implications of this research are profound offering practical insights and actionable recommendations for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders invested in promoting educational equity and social justice. Therefore, the findings of this study reveal the associations between cultural perceptions and academic performance in ESL contexts. This study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of ESL education by critically analyzing the research findings and contextualizing them within the broader scholarly discourse, As such, it is imperative to leverage these findings as catalysts for change, driving the implementation of evidence-based practices that foster cultural responsiveness, inclusivity, and excellence in education.


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, several recommendations can address the identified gaps and promote the advancement of culturally responsive teaching and learning practices. Firstly, educational institutions and professional development organizations should prioritize the integration of culturally responsive teaching training programs for educators at all levels. These programs should equip educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively engage with culturally diverse student populations and create inclusive learning environments. The desired outcome is to enhance educators’ cultural competence and instructional practices, ultimately improving student academic outcomes and fostering a sense of belonging among diverse learners. Secondly, curriculum developers and instructional designers should collaborate to integrate culturally relevant content and perspectives across curricular materials and learning resources.

Educational materials can better reflect the identities and backgrounds of students from diverse cultural backgrounds by incorporating diverse cultural narratives, histories, and experiences into the curriculum. This inclusive approach aims to promote student engagement, critical thinking, and cross-cultural understanding. Moreover, policymakers and educational leaders should advocate for the development and implementation of policies that support culturally responsive practices in educational settings. This may include allocating resources for professional development initiatives, establishing standards for culturally inclusive curriculum design, and promoting equity-minded policies that address systemic barriers to academic success for marginalized student populations. The desired outcome is to create an equitable and inclusive educational system that values diversity and promotes social justice. Furthermore, schools and educational institutions should actively engage with culturally diverse communities to foster meaningful partnerships and collaboration.

Schools can leverage community assets and cultural resources to support student learning and holistic development by involving families, community organizations, and cultural stakeholders in the educational process. The desired outcome is to build trust, strengthen cultural connections, and empower communities to actively participate in shaping the educational experiences of their children. Finally, future research should explore additional dimensions of cultural perceptions and their impact on student academic performance. Areas for further investigation may include longitudinal studies tracking the long-term effects of culturally responsive interventions, comparative analyses of culturally diverse teaching practices across different educational contexts, and explorations of the intersectionality between culture, identity, and learning outcomes. Additionally, research efforts should prioritize the voices and perspectives of students, educators, and community members to ensure that interventions are responsive to their needs and experiences.


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