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Being a Nurse


This paper focuses on the complex but worthwhile world of nursing, which focuses on offering support and treatment to patients across different environments. As a calling profession that is compassionate, technically skilled, and flexible, nursing occupies one of the most essential positions in health care throughout the world. This exploration covers primary and secondary research in its scope. A nursing professional speaks out on what it is like to serve in this capacity based on personal experience. A glance at such studies will complement this, providing a broader view of contemporary issues like gender roles and burnout and the looming global nurse deficit. These various elements are woven together to form an overall understanding of the nursing profession, gauging its fit with one’s profile and competencies and demonstrating its significance in modern healthcare systems.

Career Description

The nursing career is complex and plays an essential role in the medical sphere, requiring psychological sympathy, clinical data expertise, and technological abilities. The nurses stand out as the backbone of health care delivery, offering treatment, reassurance, and teaching in most cases where the patients interact with the health system through a single portal. Often, the career paths in nursing vary and usually start with one earning a BSN (Bachelor in Science Nursing) before they take the NCLEX-RN exam, which is used for licensure of an RN. Some nurses may sometimes decide to specialize in pediatrics, emergency care, or geriatrics, which may lead to other certifications.

They cover various job responsibilities, including patient assessments, creating and implementing the care plan, medication administration, and involvement in multidisciplinary teamwork. Nurses willing to work in this field must possess at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and a licensed registered nurse document. Another critical aspect of ensuring that practice remains current includes continuing education.

Interview Summary

Interviewing an experienced nurse – my mother provided profound insights into the day-to-day aspects of being a nurse. Having broad experience with a hospital orientation, she was exposed to the complex nature of nursing. She performs thorough medical assessments of patients, gives them medication, liaises with doctors and other healthcare workers, and offers her patients emotional support and help to their families. She stressed the significance of learning about the new laws, keeping track of the latest medical protocols, and being open to discoveries in the health sector.

Some of these concerns included extended hours and emotional burnout arising from work in high-stress zones, particularly intensive care wards. She asserts that nurses require resilience and empathic care and considers these traits vital to balancing the technical aspects of patient care with their emotional needs. She also discussed the problems associated with staffing deficit and its effects on workload and patients’ quality of care.

Nonetheless, according to her, the returns are equal in value. The rewarding parts of this challenging work include watching patients recover and receiving the patient’s family’s gratitude, which also includes working in unity with the nurses. She greatly values the significance of nurses’ contribution to patients’ recovery, pointing out this special interpersonal bond as an incredibly gratifying occurrence. In this sense, she outlines her job’s demanding but rewarding nature while underlining why nurses are irreplaceable in healthcare management. [1]

Article Summaries

The article “Burnout in Nursing: In “A Vision of Gender and ‘Invisible’ Un-Recorded Care” by Montánes Muro, among others, examines this complex nexus among gender, work burnout, and nursing. Gender is an issue that affects the whole healthcare system, especially the nursing profession, which is mostly made up of women. This leads to misevaluation and underrating the work done in this field. The authors claim that nursing is an act that has been embedded in such traditional female roles. Thus, it is not formally captured. This implies that recognizing and appreciating the ‘invisible’ care tasks will help reduce burnout and foster healthy workplaces.

In “Global Nurse Shortages the Facts, the Impact and Action for Change” by Vari M, The problem is narrowed down to the global nurse shortage by Drennan and Fiona Ross. There has been a shortage of nurses in areas such as Africa, and this trend has just been predicted to continue. First, this shortage can be attributed to the aging population, high demand for healthcare services in various countries, and unequal nurse spread worldwide (Xu et al., 2021). As noted by Drennan and Ross, this problem should be approached through country-specific data-driven models. The paper emphasizes that better workforce planning in nursing is needed to secure health equity and sustainability of healthcare globally.

Salary and Employment Data

Salary ranges for nurses change depending on locality, amount of experience, and a particular specialty and type of healthcare organization. As per BLS findings in the year 2022 in America, the median salary for RNs was close to $75,000. Many entry-level jobs often begin at $60,000 or less but may grow with time as well as other competencies obtained. Similarly, shows average salaries between 63,000 USD for entry-level and over 90,000 dollars for experienced nurses. However, these numbers may be higher for specialized areas such as anesthesiology and managerial positions. The data highlights the profitability of a nurturing profession by depicting a remuneration system based on expertise and specializations.

Source Starting salary Average Salary
BLS $60,000 $75,000 $63,000 $90,000+

Table: Nursing Salary Overview

Organizations Employing Nurses

Nurses are employed at various healthcare institutions. Hospitals remain major job providers with other departments, including emergency, surgery, or intensive care. Many nurses work in clinics and physicians’ offices where they get into a routine that has the patient’s needs as its basis. The other nursing employment areas include public health organizations such as nurse practitioners, school nurses for community health education, and student health nurse service provision. The nursing profession is diverse, and each setting comes with its challenges and opportunities.

Personal Reflection and Suitability

Through the interview and literature review, I now realize that if it is my cup of tea, practicing as a nurse may not fit within my goals and capabilities. Nursing is exhausting emotionally and physically, not forgetting that one is often subject to issues of burnout and an unending need for nurses all across the globe. As such, resilience and passion that I look up to in nurses is something that I am not born with. In addition, my preference is in the direction of analytical rather than emotionally charged roles. This highlights the significance of self-reflection in occupational selection for a lasting fulfillment.


Overall, this examination of nursing has highlighted the complex characteristics of the work, with some of the major issues for nurses being burnout, gender stereotyping, and global nurse shortages, while also emphasizing its importance within medicine. Interview insights depicted the emotional involvement involved in nursing, as well as systemic problems surrounding the profession. Despite my profound adulation of nursing, self-introspection shows I might suit myself better to some other profession. This project underscores the role of nurses in our healthcare system and the vital need for support interventions when addressing their problems.


Interview Questions

  1. How did you first get into this line of work?
  2. Tell me about a typical day in your role as a nurse.
  3. What do you like best about your job in nursing?
  4. What do you like least about your job?
  5. What advice would you have for someone considering nursing as a career?
  6. How do you handle the emotional and physical demands of nursing?
  7. Can you describe a particularly memorable experience in your nursing career?
  8. How has nursing changed since you began your career?
  9. In what ways do you think nursing is misunderstood by the public?
  10. What skills do you believe are essential for success in nursing?

Journal Articles

Montañés Muro et al., “Burnout in Nursing: A Vision of Gender and ‘Invisible’ Unrecorded Care” –

Drennan & Ross, “Global Nurse Shortages the Facts, the Impact and Action for Change”


Xu, G., Zeng, X., & Wu, X. (2021). Global prevalence of turnover intention among intensive care nurses: A meta‐analysis. Nursing in Critical Care28(2).

[1] Name page Date


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