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Favourite Movie, Music Video, Commercial or Ad, Book or Play


Art examples like commercials or ads, books, movies, music videos and plays significantly impact our daily lives. They act as a medium to inspire, entertain and educate us about many aspects and dimensions of life. I will discuss some of the most influential and popular works across various genres that act as my favourite in the arts field.


I have had a chance to watch different movie films, but one of my favourite movies of all time is “The Godfather, “which was directed by Francis Coppola. It explains one of the most powerful mafia families and their struggle to maintain their hold on the criminal activities that happen underworld (Puzo et al., 1972). The movie is well known for its well-planned acting, cinematography and direction, especially by Al Pacino and Marlon Brando. “The Godfather” is an excellent fictional display with the achievement of setting standards for the genre of gangster and has continuously inspired filmmakers to this day.

Music Videos

One of my most preferred musical videos is Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. The Music video was directed by John Landis. It aimed to bring fictitious imagery of dance sequences and horror-themed narratives that illustrated Jackson’s signature style (Bliss, 2018). “Thriller” is well known for its application of storytelling and special effects innovativeness. The movie has impacted pop culture on a greater level.

Commercials or Ads

My favourite commercial ad is Apple’s “Think Different” campaign, which has won as one of the most memorable and effective advertising campaigns of all time. It ran from 1997 to 2002 and aimed to feature a series of ads that celebrated innovation, creativity and individuality (Hennessy & Najjar, 2017). The ads comprised figures like Martin Luther and Albert Einstein, which made viewers reason differently. Apple has since used it to establish itself as a brand that prioritizes innovation and creativity worldwide.


Books are sources of knowledge for individuals. “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is one of my favourite novels. It illustrates the aspect of prejudice and racial discrimination in South America (Santopietro, 2018). The novel’s main character, Finch Atticus, is a lawyer who fights for a black man accused of raping a girl in 1930 in Alabama. The novel has a beautiful nature of memorable characters, a timeless message on empathy and compassion and its power in storytelling.


Among many plays I have watched, William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is my favourite play. It describes a story of a prince who is after revenge on his uncle for overthrowing and murdering his father (Hamlet – Entire Play | Folger Shakespeare Library, 2020). The play is characterized by great thematic like madness, betrayal and morality with great characters in literature. Due to its popularity, it has attracted many scholars.


Movies, music videos, commercials or ads, books, and plays are significant forms of artistic expression that have an extraordinary impact on everyone’s life. The arts I have discussed are a part of my favourite genres. These genres are undoubtedly influential and memorable works across various genres. These works inspire, entertain, remind and challenge me and many others on the power of art and how it can improve lifestyle.


Bliss, K. (2018, December 2). Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at 35: A Look Back at the Iconic Music Video By Those Who Made It. Billboard.

Hamlet – Entire Play | Folger Shakespeare Library. (2020).

Hennessy, J., & Najjar, A. (2017). Apple Computer, Inc.: Think Different, Think Online Music. Kellogg School of Management Cases1(1), 1–24.

Puzo, M., Francis Ford Coppola, & Puzo, M. (1972, March 24). The Godfather. IMDb.

Santopietro, T. (2018). Why To Kill a mockingbird matters : What Harper Lee’s Book and the Iconic American film mean to us today. St. Martin’s Press.


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