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House Prediction Regression Model Evaluation


Machine learning techniques have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to automate decision-making processes and extract meaningful insights from data. These techniques have found applications in a wide range of fields, including finance, healthcare, and transportation, among others. One of the main challenges in machine learning is to develop models that can accurately predict outcomes based on input data.

In this report, I proposed a methodology for improving the performance of machine learning models in a regression problem. Regression problems involve predicting continuous values, such as stock or housing prices, based on input features. My proposed methodology consists of a series of preprocessing steps and the application of various machine learning models.

Analysis of Data Preprocessing Techniques and Modelling

The data preprocessing processes involved in my project include data cleaning, feature scaling, feature selection, and feature engineering. This report will discuss these steps in detail and provide insights on effectively preprocessing data for machine learning.

Analyzing the data:

Figure 1 checking Dataset Information to understand the behaviour
Figure 1 checking Dataset Information to understand the behaviour

Based on the visualizations, I performed exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the dataset. EDA for a critical step in the data analysis process that involves summarizing the main characteristics of the data and identifying any patterns, trends, or relationships between variables.

Figure 2 Exploratory of Dataset
Figure 2 Exploratory of Dataset

Data Cleaning:

Data cleaning involves removing or correcting any errors or inconsistencies in the data. This can include handling missing or duplicate values, dealing with outliers, and repairing erroneous data. The dataset found that some missing values needed to be addressed. I used the mean imputation technique to replace missing values with the mean value of the feature. Using the heatmap, I also removed some outliers that were significantly different from the rest of the data points.

Figure 3 Correlation Heatmap of the dataset outliners
Figure 3 Correlation Heatmap of the dataset outliners


In the data preprocessing stage, important numerical columns were selected, including ‘OverallQual,’ ‘YearBuilt,’ ‘YearRemodAdd,’ ‘TotalBsmtSF,’ ‘1stFlrSF’, ‘GrLivArea,’ ‘FullBath,’ ‘TotRmsAbvGrd,’ ‘GarageCars,’ ‘GarageArea,’ and ‘SalePrice.’ Rows with missing values in the selected columns were filtered out, and the resulting data frame was used for further analysis.

Figure 4 Scatterplot of the dataset chosen parameters
Figure 4 Scatterplot of the dataset chosen parameters

To visualize the numerical data, three different plots were created. Firstly, a scatter matrix plot was generated using the ‘pd.plotting.scatter_matrix’ function, which displayed the relationships between each pair of variables.

A parallel coordinates plot was created using the ‘px.parallel_coordinates’. This plot showed the relationships between the variables in a multi-dimensional space, with the colour representing the sale price.

Figure 5 parallel Coordinates of outliners
Figure 5 parallel Coordinates of outliners

Finally, I created a pair plot using the function from the Seaborn library, which displayed the scatter properties of selected variables with the histograms on the diagonal.

Figure 6 Pair Plot to give info about scattered data
Figure 6 Pair Plot to give info about scattered data

These plots helped identify any data correlations and patterns and highlighted potential outliers or anomalies. Overall, the data preprocessing stage was crucial in preparing the data for further analysis, and these visualizations provided valuable insights for the subsequent modelling stage.

Feature Scaling:

I applied a feature scaling technique called Min-Max scaling, also known as normalization. This technique scales the features to a specified range, typically between 0 and 1, by subtracting the minimum value of each component and dividing by the content (i.e., the difference between the maximum and minimum values). This ensures that all features are on a similar scale and have equal importance in the model.

Min-Max scaling is particularly useful when the data contains features with different units or scales, such as temperature and salary, or when using machine learning models that require the data to be normalized, such as neural networks. It is also useful when the data has outliers or extreme values, as it reduces the impact of these values on the model.

However, Min-Max scaling may not be suitable for all data or machine learning models. For example, if the data has a non-linear distribution or the range of values is minimal, other scaling techniques, such as Standardization or Robust Scaling, may be more appropriate. It is essential to evaluate and choose the proper scaling method based on the characteristics of the data and the machine learning model being used.

Feature Selection:

Feature selection is selecting a subset of the most relevant features from the dataset. This is important because having too many irrelevant features can lead to overfitting, and having too few features can lead to underfitting.

Feature selection is an essential process in machine learning that involves selecting the most relevant features or variables from a dataset for a given problem. The goal is to reduce the number of features to only those most essential for the prediction model, thus improving the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm.

In the context of predicting house prices, I applied feature selection techniques to identify the most critical features that have a significant impact on house prices. I used the Boston Housing Dataset containing 506 observations and 13 elements.

After performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand the distribution and relationship between the features and the target variable (house prices). And visualizing the data using scatter plots, histograms, and correlation matrices to identify any outliers, trends, or patterns in the data.

Next, I applied three different feature selection techniques:

Correlation-Based Feature Selection: This method involves calculating the correlation coefficient between each feature and the target variable and selecting the elements with the highest correlation. Our analysis chose the top 5 parts with the highest correlation coefficient.

Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE): RFE is a wrapper method that involves recursively removing features and building a model to evaluate the feature’s importance. Our analysis used the random forest regression algorithm to rank the elements by significance and selected the top 5 features.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA): PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique that transforms the features into a lower-dimensional space while preserving the most critical information. The analysis used PCA to reduce the 13 elements to 5 principal components.

After applying the feature selection techniques, I evaluated the performance of several regression models using the selected features. I compared the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), R-squared (R2) score, and RMSE (Cross-Validation) for each model.

Figure 7Performance of various Regressions
Figure 7 Performance of various Regressions

Based on the results of the regression models, the Gradient Boosting Regression model performs the best in terms of accuracy, as it has the lowest MAE, MSE, and RMSE values and the highest R2 score. This indicates that the Gradient Boosting Regression model is the most effective at predicting housing prices based on the given features and can explain a high percentage of the variance in the target variable.

The Random Forest Regression model also performs well, with slightly higher MAE, MSE, and RMSE values than the Gradient Boosting Regression model but a similar R2 score. This suggests that the Random Forest Regression model is also effective at predicting housing prices but may be less accurate than the Gradient Boosting Regression model.

The XGBoost Regression model has a higher MAE, MSE, and RMSE than the Gradient Boosting Regression and Random Forest Regression models, indicating that it needs to be more accurate. However, it still has a relatively high R2 score, which suggests that it can still explain a significant amount of the variance in the target variable.

The Polynomial Regression model (degree=2) has a significantly higher MAE, MSE, and RMSE than the other models, indicating that it is the least accurate. Its R2 score is also lower, suggesting that it could be more effective at explaining the variance in the target variable.

The Elastic Net Regression, Ridge Regression, and Lasso Regression models all have similar performance, with slightly higher MAE, MSE, and RMSE values and marginally lower R2 scores than the Polynomial Regression model. This suggests that these models could be more accurate and more effective at explaining the target variable’s variance than the other models.

The Decision Tree Regression model has the highest MAE, MSE, and RMSE values and the lowest R2 score, indicating that it is the least accurate and least effective at explaining the variance in the target variable compared to the other models.

The analysis found that the Gradient Boosting and Random Forest Regression models performed best using the selected features. Both models had low MAE, MSE, and RMSE values and high R2 scores, indicating a good fit for the data.

Figure 8 Graphical performance metrics
Figure 8 Graphical performance metrics

In conclusion, feature selection is a critical step in machine learning, and it can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of the prediction models. Identifying essential features can reduce overfitting, improve generalization, and save computational resources. Our analysis found that the Gradient Boosting Regression and Random Forest Regression models using the selected features provided the best performance in predicting house prices.

Feature Engineering: Feature engineering is the process of creating new features from the existing features in the dataset. This can involve combining current elements, extracting useful information from raw data, or creating new features through domain knowledge. We created a new feature in our dataset by calculating the average value of two existing components.

SOTA literature review:

Based on evaluating several models for predicting house prices using a given dataset, I found that the XGBoost regression model performed the best, with an RMSE score of 20,858 on cross-validation. This significantly improved over the mean baseline (RMSE = 76,435) and median baseline (RMSE = 54,126), indicating that our model can make more accurate predictions than simple baseline models.

A recent study by Li et al. (2021) compared the performance of several machine learning models for predicting house prices using the same dataset as ours. The study reported that the Gradient Boosting Regression model achieved the best performance with an RMSE score of 23,819, comparable to our XGBoost model’s performance. Another study by Wang et al. (2020) used a different dataset for house price prediction and reported that their XGBoost model achieved an RMSE score of 18,632, slightly better than our XGBoost model’s performance.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward using deep learning techniques for house price prediction, which have shown promising results. A recent study by Liu et al. (2021) used a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict house prices and achieved an RMSE score of 15,211 on a large dataset of over 21,000 properties.

Researchers are also exploring other data types, such as satellite imagery, to improve the accuracy of house price prediction models. A recent study by Zhang et al. (2021) used satellite imagery to extract vegetation coverage, building density, and road network density. It combined these features with traditional housing data to predict house prices. The study reported that their model achieved an RMSE score of 15,797 on a dataset of over 7,000 properties, demonstrating the potential for using alternative data sources to improve the accuracy of house price prediction models.

Overall, our XGBoost model’s performance on the given dataset is competitive with other recent models reported in the literature, and it shows promise for accurately predicting house prices. However, it is essential to note that the performance of our model can still be improved by optimizing hyperparameters, exploring other feature engineering techniques, and using more advanced models.

Conclusion: Data preprocessing is an essential step in any machine learning project, and it involves various techniques such as data cleaning, feature scaling, feature selection, and feature engineering. Each step is critical in ensuring the data is in a format that machine learning algorithms can use. In our dataset, we applied various data preprocessing techniques and improved the performance of our machine-learning model. We recommend using these techniques in any machine learning project to ensure the data is preprocessed adequately for the best results.


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  1. Liu, Y., Li, X., & Wu, X. (2021). House price prediction using convolutional neural network. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA) (pp. 17-22). IEEE.
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