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Total Environmental Safety Management Project

Part I: Introduction to Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and its Importance

Workplace safety depends on Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), which detects and evaluates dangers. When replacing Honda Civic tires, you must understand what causes them to blow or go flat. This thorough approach lowers tire-changing hazards and increases worker safety.

Problem statement

Fish head: Honda Civic tire changes often result in flat or blown tires. A comprehensive analysis of relevant elements is required to remove hazards and implement specific safety measures to address tire-changing shortcomings.

Contributing Factors (Ribs)

Personnel Factors: Insufficient Training and Safety Protocol Negligence

Tire changing with training may lead to better handling and installation. This deficiency may cause vehicle-human collisions. Tire-changing without safety precautions increases this Risk. Breaking safety rules endangers worker safety and creates a dangerous environment; thus, we must stress training and safety requirements.


Tire inspections may overlook issues, endangering passengers. Using a spare tire without instructions might lead to abuse. A comprehensive tire examination and suitable spare tire standards reduce Risk and ensure safe replacement.


Environmental concerns include weather-related tire safety. Warning: Bad weather may increase tire wear and vehicle performance when changing tires. Unknown tire pressures cause problems. Lack of information regarding tire pressure’s environmental impact may cause events. To change tires safely, knowledge and weather-appropriate procedures are needed.


Equipment concerns exacerbate tire changes. Outdated or faulty automobile computers may be unable to monitor tire data, jeopardizing tire management safety effectively. Mismatched tires’ mismatched threads produce uneven wear and jeopardize tire integrity. These equipment issues must be solved to ensure a safe and successful tire change.


Important factors affect tire replacement. Weak suspension systems stress tires, reducing their lifetime and performance. Computer mistakes may damage the vehicle system. Safe driving requires equal tire conditions since uneven tire threads reduce road grip. These issues must be addressed for tire maintenance and road safety.

Deeper Root Cause Analysis (Small Bones)

The fundamental reasons must be explored by looking at recurrent elements such as weather effects, inadequate prediction checks, and insufficient gear. This extensive research aims to disentangle the convoluted network of elements contributing to blown or flat tires, allowing for more effective risk-reduction solutions.

Part II:


A brief overview of the Unit V Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and the introduction to the fishbone diagram provide the framework for analyzing tire-changing dangers. Reviewing crucial facts and using the fishbone diagram to describe cause-and-effect linkages helps people understand safety vulnerabilities. This influences risk management and safety considerations.

Factors Identified in the Fishbone Diagram

The fishbone picture gets much credit for finding dangers previously overlooked in the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). More underlying causes have been discovered besides surface-level difficulties, including the weather, insufficient equipment, and poor prediction checks. All of this information helps provide a more complete picture of the possible risks of the tire replacement procedure. Incorporating these novel insights is critical for improving the overall effectiveness of safety standards and risk management strategies in tire replacement. Furthermore, the JHA must be reevaluated in light of the discovered underlying causes.

Modification of Risk Management and Safety Efforts

Understanding the underlying reasons shown in the fishbone diagram may significantly improve your risk management and safety initiatives. If these complex issues are recognized and understood, the route to a more comprehensive safety policy will shift. Given the significance of addressing the research’s contributing elements, it is obvious that proactive steps are necessary to reduce possible dangers successfully (Starr et al.,2019). This foresight enables a complete safety framework that responds to recognized hazards and predicts and resolves their root causes. The improved risk management technique, based on a better knowledge of the dynamics at play, makes changing tires safer and more resistant to a wide range of possible hazards.

Recommendations for Changes/Additions to Manufacturer Instructions

Using the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and the fishbone graphic, two critical suggestions for modifying the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing tires on a Honda Civic are given. First and foremost, the guidelines must contain a detailed section on weather-related safety procedures. This section will help users adjust their strategy to changing weather conditions. The second item that should be offered is a detailed guide that discusses the need for frequently matching tires, focusing on the effects that mismatched tires have on tread wear and vehicle stability (Buttle et al.,2019). These changes aim to increase safety during the tire-changing procedure by resolving shortcomings uncovered during the investigation. When these principles are included in the manufacturer’s instructions, the informational value of such instructions may be increased. This ensures users have access to the necessary information and safety precautions for a safe tire change.

Incorporating Opinion and Experience

As a result of people sharing their experiences and perspectives on changing tires, an all-encompassing safety approach has been devised. A well-informed and sensible perspective emerges when established safety measures are combined with practical experience. This colourful mix results in a deeper understanding consistent with the many experiences of those who do this critical component of vehicle maintenance, enhancing the discussion on the problems and best practices of changing tires.


Ultimately, the fishbone diagram and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) enabled a thorough examination of the dangers associated with tire changes, yielding considerable results (Sakdiyah et al.,2022). We need a more comprehensive, proactive safety strategy that assures a safe tire-changing procedure based on manufacturer recommendations and real-world experiences.


Starr, C., & Whipple, C. (2019, June). Risks of risk decisions. In Risk in the Technological Society (pp. 217–239). Routledge.

Buttle, F., & Maklan, S. (2019). Customer relationship management: concepts and technologies. Routledge.

Sakdiyah, S. H., Eltivia, N., & Afandi, A. (2022). Root Cause Analysis Using Fishbone Diagram: Company Management Decision Making. Journal of Applied Business, Taxation and Economics Research, 1(6), 566-576.


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