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Nurturing Diversity in Education

The strategies and ideas presented by assigned texts have been a key source of influence in my practice with diverse learners, including IEP students together with those who are gifted as well as the ones from various socioeconomic statuses. Lesson plan design, classroom management based on specific needs of each group; assessment relies. These texts provided significant insight into this domain.

A relatively important element in the assigned readings, to which a lot of emphasis is made, relates to differentiated instruction because it greatly contributes towards meeting learners’ unique needs. Tomlinson (2001) defines differentiated instruction as tailoring content, process and product according to the preferences in terms of learning styles competencies also interests associated with learners. This concept has been vital in the design of my lesson plan since I intend to create learning scenarios that are inclusive and captivating for all learners.

The need for differentiated instruction is also higher in the case of IEP students who may have specific learning problems or unique types of disabilities. These principles emphasize the necessity of adaptability in teaching procedures and equipment. With a multitude of teaching approaches within and outside the IEP student group, multiple modes representation can address divergent learning profiles. For example, I can provide various formats for conveying the information like hand on activities, visual aids or auditory materials whereby all the students understand how to access curriculum according to their strengths. The texts emphasize the need to provide enrichment and acceleration opportunities, when working with gifted students. The theory of successful intelligence by Sternberg, Kaufman & Roberts (2019) implies that the concept of giftedness transcends conventional measures in academics and consists not only as a measure used mostly on creative, practical analytical abilities. This approach, in turn, has had an impact on lesson planning as it helped me design tasks that are open-ended and challenging so gifted students could dig deeper into the topic or use their knowledge outside of school. I try to fulfill the needs of gifted learners through integration project-based assessment, and extension activities that create an interest towards learning.

From an SES perspective, the assigned texts focus on socioeconomic disparagements and their effects on educational auspices. Darling-Hammond (2017) addresses the need for educational equity and attempts to focus on teachers as champions of social justice. My lesson planning incorporates culturally responsive teaching approaches to promote the sense belonging and being valued by students from various socioeconomic backgrounds. Such efforts may include incorporating multiple perspectives in literature, the use of examples that are relevant to students’ lived realities, and addressing concerns pertaining social justice education. Another significant aspect influenced by the selected texts is classroom management. Franklin & Harrington (2019) support an approach to discipline that is proactive, and approaches behaviors issues in advance instead of simply reacting to them. This receptive standpoint is associated with the concept of developing a supportive and sensitive learning atmosphere for every student. In my practice with different learning, I use strategies of setting clear expectations, developing positive relationships and offering choices for a range of learning styles. Not only does this aid in creating a harmonious classroom environment, but it also responds to the particular needs of IEP students, gifted learners and those with cultural differences.

Assessment practices, too, are greatly influenced by the information gathered through study of key literature. Dogan & Altun (2018) stresses that assessment is an important feature for providing insight into instruction and guiding student learning. This approach motivates me to implement the formative assessment method that provides timely feedback and adapts depending on students’ requirements in an individualized manner. In contrast, IEP students’ formative assessment is as crucial in monitoring performance and making adjustments to the intervention.

In conclusion, the methods and recommendations given in my readings have greatly changed how I handle diverse learners such as those that are on an Individual Education Plan (IEP), talented ones plus children from different social classes. These resources have caused me to design lesson plans and micro management strategies, in addition to the way of assessments that directed me towards practices which help diversity; differentiating education. While the said knowledge continues being applicable to various diverse needs of students, I evolve my practice as a teacher.


Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?. European journal of teacher education40(3), 291-309.

Dogan, Z. Y., & Altun, S. (2018). The effects of the research lesson study (rls) model on teachers’ professional development. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences10(3), 215-229.

Franklin, H., & Harrington, I. (2019). A review into effective classroom management and strategies for student engagement: Teacher and student roles in today’s classrooms. Journal of Education and Training Studies.

Sternberg, R. J., Kaufman, J. C., & Roberts, A. M. (2019). 16 The relation of creativity to intelligence and wisdom. The Cambridge handbook of creativity, 337-352.

Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Ascd.


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