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Exploring Sport Video Analytics and Player Development in Hockey


Over recent years, the world of sports technology has continued to increase. It is now viewed as a resource tool for coaches to teach and visualize concepts related to on-ice/field performance. Bai (2021) suggests that developing a sports video analysis with high reliability and stability can prove to be an improvement in the level of sports competition among trainers. This upcoming year, I am fortunate enough to complete my internship as the Hockey Video Coach for the St. Andrew’s College men’s hockey team, where I will be exploring software and various online tools in hopes of identifying two areas in sports management I wish to research and study in more detail on-the-job. When assessing my goals for this upcoming season, it is paramount for my personal development in the sports management field to understand key concepts such as video analytics/tracking and how that is incorporated with player development and scouting. Using advanced coding techniques and data visualization tools to analyze player and team performance, I plan to learn how to extract meaningful insights from video footage, tracking data, and other sources learned along the way. As these techniques continue to develop, my goal as an intern this year is to transfer the findings from video analysis to better each athlete and explore the science of player development. This includes understanding individual player growth curves and skill acquisition regarding building personal player development strategies. My focus in the internship (which is on video analytics/tracking, advanced coding techniques, and data visualization) aligns with the theoretical understanding that these Software and Tools, most specifically, Sportscode Hudl, are essential in enhancing my coaching skills and contributing to the overall success of a sports team. As a practical application of theoretical knowledge, the internship helped me understand the evolving role of sports technology and its significant impact on sports management practices. Delving into these areas of sports management during my internship as a hockey video coach will improve my coaching skills and contribute to the team’s overall success by leveraging data–driven insights and innovative coaching techniques. As I transition from University into the Sport Management industry, these are two areas in which I hope to research and study further in detail to help create a resume and portfolio when applying for similar positions in the future.

Video Analytics/Tracking

Through transitioning into my role as a video intern, I had conversations with Head Coach Dave Manning, who expressed areas that he believed would benefit me most throughout this process. Dave was adamant about learning to code game videos through the Sportscode Hudl software. Sportscode is a software that allows us to break down video into specific fragments that Dave may be looking to teach. For example, powerplay, penalty kill, or defensive zone coverage. He expressed to me this is the type of software that has been apparent at the professional levels and, indeed, the same software professional video coaches use to break down data and present visual analytic findings to players and coaches. This is an important skill to use “because the emergence of sports video analysis platforms makes sports training more scientific and richer and has a positive effect on the improvement of the level of sports competition among trainers. Therefore, it is essential to develop a sports video analysis platform with high reliability and stability” (Bai, 2021, p.2). Once again, this emphasizes an area in which it would be beneficial to study in more detail, as video analysis must be noticed in sports. The sports video analysis platform employs inter-frame difference for static background filtering and utilizes Kalman and color block matching for automatic critical part tracking, extracting valuable motion parameters (Bai, 2021). In target tracking, varied shooting conditions necessitate multiple trackers to ensure comprehensive data collection. The integration of behavior observation and basic motion models enhances the analysis, offering a nuanced view of the trainer’s posture during exercise. “The target tracking model can realize the simultaneous tracking of multiple dynamic targets, and it can realize the purpose of tracking the target point comprehensively. Target determination video selection→intercept and mark target→create new thread→target tracking→frame processing→mark the target on each frame→save frame tracking log→play end, if the end of the play is affirmed, select the output result, if the end of the play is denied, it can loop to mark the target on each frame → save the frame tracking log → end of playback” (Bai, 2021, p.2). Through coding and careful review of game footage, teams can dissect and analyze every aspect of play, from individual performance to team strategies. As a part of my role, I will analyze opponents’ game tape, use code to develop strategies and identify opportunities to help pre-scout leading into games. This allows players to study their performance and opponents, leading to improved decision-making, skill development, and overall game intelligence. The sport coding video is revolutionizing how hockey approaches, fostering continuous improvement, and elevating the level of play in this dynamic and highly competitive sport.

Software and Tools: Sportscode Hudl

After speaking with Dave, I need to become familiarized with Sportscode and the features and capabilities of this platform. Moving forward in my sports management career, I intend for this internship to allow me to gain experience and tools as I see a possible future in the industry doing this type of work. To excel in my position, I must learn how to create comprehensive video breakdowns for Dave and the players, highlighting critical situations, tactical insight, and areas of improvement. This is important through the internship process as, according to an article by Sport, Education, and Society, “the ongoing analysis of athletic performance is considered a vitally important component of the coaching process. Indeed, it has been suggested that video-based performance analysis can provide information that can underpin training and rehabilitation prescriptions. Secondly, it has been argued that such technology can assist with identifying the strengths and weaknesses of up-and-coming competitors through a process of opposition analysis” (Nelson, 2014, pp. 1-2). As a video intern, these concepts are integral to my decision-making process regarding developing best research practices for integrating data-driven decision-making into coaching processes.

Importance of Video Analysis in Sports

Additionally, developing this skill will not only further my knowledge in the sports management industry but will provide a valuable resource that will lead to more time-efficient and accurate video analysis. Rendering from Analysis of Sports Video Intelligent Classification Technology Based on Neural Network Algorithm and Transfer Learning expresses, “Sports video intelligent classification technology can not only intelligently classify and sort out massive sports video data and reduce people’s workload, but also provide people with better spiritual enjoyment in daily life (watching everyday progress in a play is important and also a memorable moment) (Nelson & Groom, 2014). Therefore, sports video intelligent classification technology can be widely used in sports video management, retrieval, query, and other fields and has broad development prospects and great value” (Guangyu, 2022, p.2). This is an essential area in which the sports industry I continue to like to explore and work while performing on-the-job duties during this internship position in hopes of increasing tactical skills as well as work time efficiently. This is a new proficiency, and mastering it would benefit future employment opportunities and demonstrate to St. Andrews instructors that I am willing to learn.

Development of Coding Skills

By becoming competent with online resources such as Sportscode, I intend to manipulate the software and provide not only the coaches with data analysis but also track player progress over time to discover and monitor the scientific aspect of player development. As the sports atmosphere continues to involve the importance of video, it plays an enormous part in the development of young athletes. Athletes can no longer rely on talent and skill as part of their development. According to the articleThe Perceptions of Elite Rink Hockey Head Coaches: Preparation/observation and Intervention, it expresses, “the use of video as an analysis tool will help coaches improve players’ performance in areas such as technical and tactical knowledge, critical thinking, decision-making and, consequently, in increasing the athletes’ confidence in their abilities” (Sousa, 2012, p.11).

Player Development: A Science of its Own

Player development is an advanced version of coaching, where an individual can go above and beyond to teach and mold young athletes to create cohesiveness and coachability skills and to enhance cognitive comprehension that will ultimately positively affect an athlete’s performance. The study of player development holds a vital position within the sport management industry. It encompasses physical and mental growth, skill progression, and effective communication and is indispensable for the sustained excellence of athletes and teams alike. Sports organizations that prioritize player development gain an invaluable competitive advantage and ensure long-term success.

Building Relationships and Impacting Players

Furthermore, this internship position will allow for open dialogue with the players in hopes of working for them and working with them to understand and dissect areas of their game that need improvement. This will be an essential skill as the role progresses, as it is valuable to incorporate players and work as a cohesive unit to enhance players’ development. This will allow me to develop the skill of identifying talent and operate with each athlete differently to achieve a common goal. According to Dixon (2010), coaching satisfaction is not only achieved through individual performance. Instead, it reflects the impact one coach has on a player to influence them better and gain satisfaction through development and maturity growth displayed through sport and real life. As stated, “The potential to influence and impact players, serve as a role model, and build meaningful relationships with players were also important factors related to the coaches’ satisfaction levels. Thirteen coaches mentioned their most satisfying moments in coaching occurred when they helped players, on or off the field of play, develop and mature. It was common for coaches to indicate the relationship with their players as a reason for staying at their current institution” (Dixon, 2010, p.13). Through this internship process, I intend to build on this concept and work in depth with players to help them achieve personal goals, ultimately leading to my professional satisfaction in my career. In essence, the study of player development is important for the growth and success of coaching in the sports management industry.

Month-Long Internship Experience

Through the first month and a half of my internship, I have been exposed to many different things and have been fortunate to work alongside competent hockey coach/development team members. Initially, when I signed up for the internship position at St. Andrews College, I had some knowledge of the responsibilities and duties I would have on a day-to-day basis. Approaching the end of my first month, reflecting on where I started now is rewarding to look back on. Growing up as a hockey player, I was exposed to game tape videos and other tools to rewatch games or pre-scoot for upcoming opponents. Through the help of my instructor, Dave Manning, I’ve added skills to my portfolio and have been exposed to numerous software programs that enhance sports video and the way it is delivered. Before this internship started, I was familiar with editing videos using tools such as Video Editor and other outdated apps. I have been exposed to software known as Sportscode Hudl, the TPE Showcase app, and InStat. I had never been introduced to this software before, and it was challenging at first to understand the process in which to work. For example, in my first month, I was tasked with downloading previous game tapes from the website InStat. InStat is a website that allows coaches to search any player or team within the database and see all videos ranging from complete game footage to a player’s shifts. After downloading the video on my computer, I am responsible for downloading the game tape into Sportscode Hudl, a software professionals use to cut up specific gameplay to preserve time and effectively communicate coaching messages. This software was challenging to navigate at first, as this was the first time I had been exposed to something of this nature. Through YouTube videos and a tremendous amount of help from Dave Manning, I have since mastered the software.

Future Aspirations and Conclusion

Sportscode is a software that allows me to follow game footage on my laptop while coding using corresponding letters/number keys on my computer corresponding with a specific teaching subtitle. For example, if powerplay breakout were the concept Dave sought in the game video, I would watch the entire game and press “P’ (the coding key for powerplay breakout) on my laptop. This allows Dave to access the whole file but gives direct shortcut access to clips of powerplay breakouts I have cut up. From there, I would download the edited version of the video onto the Hudl app, where players and staff can see/communicate with me regarding any questions. Lastly, I was exposed to software, ‘TPE Showcase,’ where I’m able to work with each player through this app, which allows for a visual representation of individual players’ statistics I have coded from previous games played. This includes statistics such as high-scoring chances, favorable vs unfavorable passing, or faceoff winning percentage.

A month into my internship, I cannot explain the value it has brought when expanding my knowledge of data analytics/tracking and its positive impact on understanding player development at a high level. Playing hockey my whole life, I have struggled to carve out my path in sports management. It has always been a passion of mine to work within a sports organization, but I have yet to find a niche in which I could excel. This brief introduction to the type of work I will experience in this internship position has created a passion I intend to pursue. Additionally, the software Sportscode Hudl has exposed me to a technological skill that professional video coaches use in the four major sports leagues. When concluding my orientation with Dave on my first day, he made it apparent that developing this skill would put me at an advantage in the sports industry. I plan to continue to expand my knowledge of the app and its features within it. Moving forward in my sports management career, I am looking forward to the opportunities that arise and am dedicated to developing this skill further to obtain employment with a sports team organization as a video coach.

The evolution of sport video analytics and player development represents a pivotal advancement within the sport management industry. As I navigate and develop knowledge of professional sports, these skills have emerged as indispensable tools for my future targeted sports management career. The incorporation of technology and data analysis has allowed for a deeper understanding of player performance and strategic optimization. It has revolutionized player development, enabling athletes to reach their maximum potential. Coaches and sports teams are now armed with insights that allow for data-driven decisions and strategies. Moreover, the significant growth in careers related to analysis/tracking and sports video production is viewed as a benefit of player development and sports video analytics; this creates possibilities for people interested in sports management.

This is a constantly evolving sector; I must continue upgrading my sports video analytics and player development skills and remain adaptable to stay ahead or relevant. Through my internship position at St Andrew’s, I want to comprehensively gain from the opportunity to enhance my expert portfolio and raise team performance. Embracing these skills and abilities is essential for staying competitive and ensuring continued boom and fulfillment in the dynamic realm of sports management.

Reference List

Bai, B. (2021). Development and Application of Sports Video Analysis Platform in Sports Training. Journal of Physics. Conference Series1881(3), 32015–.

Dixon, M. A., & Warner, S. (2010). Employee satisfaction in sport: Development of a multi-dimensional model in coaching. Journal of Sport Management24(2), 139–168.

Guangyu, H. (2022). Analysis of Sports Video Intelligent Classification Technology Based on Neural Network Algorithm and Transfer Learning. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience2022, 7474581–10.

Nelson, L. J., Potrac, P., & Groom, R. (2014). Receiving video-based feedback in elite ice hockey: a player’s perspective. Sport, Education and Society19(1), 19–40.

Sousa, T., Sarmento, H., Field, A., & Vaz, V. (2021). The perceptions of elite rink hockey head coaches: preparation/observation and Intervention. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport21(2), 277–294.


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