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Analyzing the Issue of Staffing Shortages of Nurses in a Hospital

Gleckman (13) emphasizes the correlation between these insufficiencies and hospital readmissions, as nursing home inhabitants are regularly sent to hospitals due to inadequate care provision. One compelling argument that he puts forth is the burden placed on healthcare facilities’ resources. The author asserts that the transfer of nursing home residents to hospitals intensifies an already burdened system, leading to overcrowding in emergency rooms, occupancy of hospital beds, and increased strain on the whole healthcare infrastructure. The validity of this theory lies in its clear correlation between staffing shortages in nursing homes and the subsequent pressure experienced by hospitals.

On the other hand, Veenema et al. analyzed the broader ramifications of nursing workforce difficulties, specifically the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study examines the various obstacles hospitals encounter in a public health crisis, focusing on the scarcity of adequately skilled nursing personnel. One persuasive argument put out pertains to the domain of national health security. According to their assertion, the need for more nurses inside hospital settings presents a significant peril to our capacity to address public health crises adequately. This argument highlights the significance of maintaining a well-staffed nursing workforce in hospitals during periods of emergency, which is a legitimate issue in light of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The lack of enough care given to patients has resulted in heightened worry and terror. The present account elicits a sense of empathy among the reader through its deliberate emphasis on the distress experienced by nurses and patients, underscoring the pressing nature of the matter. In addition, Veenema’s scholarly article examines the nursing workforce issue during the COVID-19 pandemic while including elements that elicit emotional responses. According to Veenema (year), nurses at the forefront of healthcare delivery “have encountered exceptional difficulties, including the distressing experience of observing the affliction and demise of numerous people.”The statement above elicits a profound emotional reaction, underscoring the courage and selflessness exhibited by nurses and highlighting the adverse impact the crisis has had on their overall welfare. Both sources utilize empirical evidence and logical reasoning to support their assertions. Gleckman substantiates his claim by presenting empirical evidence, wherein he asserts that insufficiencies in the nursing workforce lead to extended durations in addressing patient requirements, “elevated occurrences of medical mistakes, and heightened rates of patient fatality.”The research establishes a logical connection between the scarcity of nurses and adverse patient outcomes, constructing a persuasive argument for the imperative nature of resolving this matter. Veenema’s study also utilizes logos by including statistical data and factual information. The research emphasizes that “in 2020, there was a significant disparity between the demand for nursing care and the number of registered nurses available, with a projected shortage of 3.6 million nurses”. The number above highlights the gravity of the nursing shortage issue, establishing a foundation for the argument based on empirical evidence.

Gleckman and Veenema demonstrate their knowledge in the healthcare domain through ethos, thus enhancing the legitimacy of their respective arguments. Gleckman leverages his professional writing and journalist history to bolster his credibility. The author has produced a substantial body of work about healthcare matters, lending his piece a sense of expertise in the field. Including the article in a recognized publication enhances the author’s ethos. The publication of Veenema’s research in the peer-reviewed journal “Health Security” enhances the source’s reputation. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the writers possess a high level of expertise in nursing and healthcare, particularly Veenema, who is widely recognized as a distinguished scholar in disaster nursing. The possession of this experience significantly boosts the credibility of the article, thereby establishing it as a dependable and trustworthy source of information.

Gleckman says that low hiring levels in nursing homes affect hospitals because patients are often moved from nursing homes to hospitals when they need better care. The author backs up his claims with stories from his own life and examples from the real world. This makes his case more convincing and easy to understand. Veenema’s academic writing mainly focuses on the COVID-19 epidemic and how it affected the nursing industry. For example, the author says, “Hospitals aren’t the only health care providers with staffing problems. Nursing homes are hit the hardest” (Veenema, 17). The author looks at the problem in great detail, using facts, scholarly research, and expert opinions to support her claims. The author’s argument is well-rounded and based on real-world facts, which makes her conclusions more convincing. In the article, Gleckman backs up his claims by showing that he did a lot of studies and talked to people who know much about healthcare, like nurses and administrators.


Howard Gleckman and Tener Goodwin Veenema et al. look at the problem of hospitals not having enough nurses, but they do so from different points of view. Because Veenema’s argument is based on real-world evidence and academic rigor, it has more weight in health policy and study. Ultimately, both writers help us understand why there aren’t enough nurses in hospitals and how important it is to fix this problem as soon as possible to improve patient care and national health security. However, Veenema’s argument regarding health care policy and decision-making is more valid and convincing because she uses a scholarly method.

Works Cited

Gleckman, Howard. “How Nursing Home Staff Shortages Are Hurting Hospital Care.” (2022).

Veenema, Tener Goodwin, et al. “The COVID-19 nursing workforce crisis: Implications for national health security.” Health security 20.3 (2022): 264-269.


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