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Psychology Essays

The Enchantment of Love: A Spiritual Connection Between Two Souls

Love is a very complicated concept but vital in the day-to-day living and relationships between one person and another (Sanches & John, 2019). Love goes beyond physical touch. It is greatly spiritual, connecting two people with a strong bond. Love connects the emotions of different people in a complex way, joining individuals and drawing them ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 594

Nature of Realization or Inspiration

When it comes to the cognitive process, Inspiration is inevitably part and parcel of uniting new thoughts, artistic expressions, and innovative solutions. Scholars to researchers have developed their theories about the triggers of Inspiration for a long and many thinkers find it an interesting phenomenon. From the review of contemporary research in this area, it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 729
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Integrating Six Perspectives for Self-Understanding and Growth

Introduction I have studied ideas and concepts from many different areas of psychology in this psychology course. I now possess an eclectic, integrative map of the complexity of the human mind at my fingertips, ranging from the neurological correlates of consciousness investigated in biopsychology to the deeper depths of the subconscious self-examined by psychoanalysis. As ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1191

An Art Project for Mental Wellness

Introduction Like other forms of psychology, art therapy seeks to help its clients work through personal issues and grow as individuals through the establishment and cultivation of a trusting therapeutic alliance, with the goals of facilitating the resolution of conflicts within and the heightening of self-awareness. One possible benefit of art therapy for those struggling ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 756

Contemporary Issues in Addictions: IDG

Issue This analysis focuses on internet gaming disorder (IGD) which is a behavioral or process addiction linked to compulsive and excessive gaming behavior online. Internet gaming disorder has become a significant contemporary issue due to the widespread accessibility and availability of online gaming platforms. IGD is characterized by the inability to control gaming habits or ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3967

Causes and Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

Literature Review Attention Deficit Disorder is a neurological disorder that affects both adults and children. ADD, also referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is characterized by persistent patterns of impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention (Rohner et al., 2023). This interferes with the daily functioning of an individual. There is a need to explore the causes ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2543

Adult Development Published During the Past Five Years- Empirical Study

Introduction The article “Does Post-Traumatic Growth Follow Parental Death in Adulthood? An Empirical Investigation” by Komal Qasim and Jerome Carson delves into the realm of adult development, particularly within the framework of positive psychology. The core of this area, which serves as the basis for the historical background of the article, deals with human resources, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1302

22-Year-Old Breaking Habit of Nail Biting Through Positive Reinforcement

Protopopova et al. (2016) focused on effective and automated reinforcement of behavior modification. The research investigated the best application of the positive reinforcement approach to curb nail-biting behavior among a group of 22-year-old individuals. In alignment with the scholarly Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, this paper focuses on effective intervention measures through the certified methods ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1137

Personality Disorder of Ted Bundy

ASPD is a personality disorder marked by a generalized lack of empathy and disdain for other people’s rights. People with ASPD often commit crimes, lie to and deceive others, and have a history of acting impulsively and violently. Many of these characteristics were shown by Bundy, including his propensity for criminality, his lack of regret ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 924

Critical Awareness of Counselling Theory and Case Formulation

I used a person-centered approach to help Lizzie feel understood and loved in this counseling session. Understanding the significance of nonverbal communication in therapeutic discovery, I introduced art-based activities like coloring, drawing, and playing with dolls. This creative method fits with Carl Rogers’ ideas about person-centered therapy, which stresses the client’s autonomy and self-exploration (Yao ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1830

The Psychological Effects of Targeted Advertising on College Students’ Spending Habits and Financial Well-Being

The advancement of advertising, particularly in the digital age, comes bearing psychological effects on the target group, and in this case, the college student, in terms of their spending habits and financial well-being. Advertising plays a great role in the psychological well-being of the target group by evoking emotions of love, pleasure, and vanity that ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2890

Exploring the Category of Loss From a Relationship Breakup

Ending a relationship is a major life change. Growing apart, betrayal, or real issues can damage a deeply social and emotional tie. Post-breakup feelings include grief, wrath, perplexity, and regret. They miss the relationship’s aspirations, plans, and shared identity. Relationship status, societal and cultural influences, coping methods, and each person’s personality and attachment style all ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3096

Designing a Reversal Study

Application of ABA ABA reversal design involves establishing a baseline of a target behavior, establishing an intervention, and then withdrawing the intervention to determine the causality effect. The reversal-withdrawal design graphs have a generic form where a baseline is similar during the phase before and after withdrawal of intervention. The ABA intervention is effective when ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1305

The Influence of Community and Problem-Oriented Policing on Future Criminal Justice Practices

Introduction Criminal justice is constantly evolving due to societal norms, technology, and the necessity for effective crime prevention and control. In response to traditional law enforcement’s shortcomings, community and problem-oriented policing has emerged recently. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of the need to address Crime’s root causes, eliminate law enforcement disparities, and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2612

Assessing and Analyzing Your Personality With the Indigo DNA Assessment

Introduction Self-awareness is the key to success in life. This awareness is achieved by conducting numerous self-awareness tests, such as the Indigo Assessment, that will be used for this analysis. The indigo assessment is a science-based, comprehensive, and multi-dimensional tool that allows students and tutors to gain insights by being more self-aware of their behaviors, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2143
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Essays On Psychology

We all have thoughts and behaviors, and psychology studies our minds and how we behave, which makes it a highly relevant topic. Psychology has long been used to explain people’s actions through explaining and understanding the thoughts that lead us there. We see it daily in studies on criminals or history, actions taken by companies specifically designed to leverage psychological facts, and conversations wherein we leverage psychology to get ahead.

For instance, psychology details how something being rare scares us and makes us feel like we must get it before it’s gone. Companies use that by saying, “Buy it now, before someone else does!” or, “It’ll only be on sale for a short time; buy it while you can!” This tactic, scarcity urgency, is only one example of how we see psychology in use daily. This is a manipulation tactic capitalized on by companies throughout the world to alarm the consumer and give them the incentive to make a purchase.

How to write an essay on psychology

Writing a psychology essay gives you some flexibility in your choice of topic and structure. While most psychology essays can fall under the basic essay structure of one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph, you have other options you can leverage as well.

One of these is the theme structure. You can structure your essay around themes by making each body paragraph about a different interconnected theme.

What can you talk about in an essay on psychology

We all have psychology happening in and around us all the time, which makes for a huge topic pool for an essay on psychology.

Topics you can choose for a psychology essay include:

• Deviant behavior and control
• Humor theory concept
• Creativity: The flow and psychology of invention and discovery
• Historical perspectives in psychology
• Mother’s learning and its impact on children
• The science of how the mind impacts behavior
• Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
• Managing panic attacks
• Loneliness causes, as defined by psychology

If you need help completing your essay or have lost inspiration, you can always rely on these examples. They are here to push you in the direction of the most incredible essay you have ever written!

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